Universal Law #0:
"遇到瓶頸 is a good sign "
Universal Law #1:
Universal Law #1.1:
Universal Law #2:
Universal Law #2.1:
My suggestion:
You may consider jump out of the current business circle/env for searchng the right man. Because there is no right men in the business circles/envs where there are full of pigs & trash men all around;
I bet you'll find the right man in 不遠的地方 but totally different circle/env. probably amount technical guys.
This suggestion is based on several cases I know in recent 30 years. The ladies/cases were all similar to yours and They are all happy wives & moms now.
"千萬別多讀書,越讀越傻" -- Totally agree !
就憑你這些universal law,就該獲偌貝爾獎,都是真理啊!
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05/04/2013 postreply
Thanks. 都是真理!They all came from this post.
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05/04/2013 postreply
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05/04/2013 postreply