
回答: 職場遇險求助貼caomang2013-03-07 20:48:31

Nothing you can do about it. The world is unfair. I heard many American said so.

When I was kicked out, my big big boss (vp level)told" xxx,it was a hard decision, last week I still wanted to keep you, but....."

The world is small,last week I met the former big big boss on the plane, he sat one row behind me. He was very embrassed.He knew i didn't have any mistakes in the job. He asked me"xxx, are you on the job market?" I didn't answer his question directly. Actually I was flying to an on sit interview.

I told him I didn't hate him. He didn't treat me bad,When he interviewed me he even asked me if i wanted to have green card.After the 1 hour interview, he immediately decided to hire me. He always asked people(even the lower manager)to coach me or mentor me. He actually wanted to develop me because he knows i have some additional skills.That might be also the reason the lower manger wanted to kick me out.

It was very easy for me to communicate with him. His way of thinking and my way of thinking is vey similar. So far I have only met one America that have the similar working way as mine.

However,the end of the story is he standed on the lower manger's side to kick me out. It put me in a very terrible stituation. My OPT has only 1 month left. Lower manger was brought in by middle manager. My former worker always said"Managers stick together."

The world is unfair. Take it and move on.

