lz能力與人交流方麵還有進步的餘地。其實沒什麽大不了的事。就是要心平氣和的把大事化小,小事化了。告訴你老板, you have concern of group N's work, and you have CC's F in all emails and had not seen concern is addressed or work is done . That's why you escalate it to F's boss. If F's boss is not the right person to escalate to, you are greatly appreciated that your boss can share with you the right escalation person
the point is: 你要說明你這樣作沒錯,事實上你要明白你也沒做錯,你隻是需要把你做的事用positive的方法解釋清楚。很重要,stay positive to explain all you have done.