回複:請教各位大俠,做純技術,做PM和做customer facing,哪個前途比較好?

來源: happylearner 2012-06-25 16:18:52 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2655 bytes)

My personal opinions, for your reference.


1.       For most of us, to be a technical staff  is the most stable work whatever a companys' size . And it is easier to land a job .

2.       If you want to be a PM, pls. consider of your education and your language skill. In most of cases, you are competing with Native speakers and Indians. Be sure that you are strong enough for all kinds of challenges. It is not difficult for us to manage products since we are smart and hard working. But how to handle all kinds of relationship becomes the toughest part of this job. Your language skill will play a key role. And, it looks like there might be some greater career growth opportunities to be a PM, but it is more difficult for Chinese to be promoted to be a senior role in Product Management comparing with Chinese people working in technical field.



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