From "I don't think it is my fault" to "The Data shown that...."

回答: to seek urgeht help!( Meiguo lao tu)erchou2011-09-22 07:36:31

-- Trust the data, if the data shown it was you did, then it was you.

-- If the data shown it was not you, then, enjoy the day...

"Should I just tell my supervisor that I did some mistake and issue wrong command,"

-- Why?


回複:From "I don't think it is my fault" to "The Data shown that.. -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (689 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 07:50:02

回複:回複:From "I don't think it is my fault" to "The Data shown tha -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (674 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 08:01:13

回複:回複:回複:From "I don't think it is my fault" to "The Data shown -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (267 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 08:11:02

回複:回複:回複:回複:From "I don't think it is my fault" to "The Data sho -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (328 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 08:17:35

it is better for you to just report whatever you did honestly... -PlainMe- 給 PlainMe 發送悄悄話 (170 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 08:25:22

回複:it is better for you to just report whatever you did honestly -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (444 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 09:01:31

May need OJ Simpson's lawyer to turn the case around -胡說之- 給 胡說之 發送悄悄話 胡說之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 10:05:36

回複:May need OJ Simpson's lawyer to turn the case around -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (568 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 11:18:06

urgent!!! kindly could sisters and brothers please provide some -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 11:30:26

Meiguo lao tu Whether I should start to look for another job now -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (538 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 12:06:20

Double check database ID before you issue shutdown command -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (611 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 12:11:14

回複:Double check database ID before you issue shutdown command -erchou- 給 erchou 發送悄悄話 (29 bytes) () 09/22/2011 postreply 12:31:07
