
回答: 我看不懂朱珠兒和老板的問題Easy.Spin2011-08-17 21:23:02

如果平常日子有人這樣 - 把我剛說完的話內容,又一本正經正經的跟教小孩似的再說一遍,不熟的人,我會想這個人有點不對勁兒,不過給他,如果是我老公,我會去摸摸他腦門,問他是不是發燒。不過如果是老板,我受到大家教育後,會說,OK, I will。“。 這個不要緊。After all, I mean it. 

但是如果不同意就比較麻煩。這個老板是項目領導,不是技術領導。我是需要技術上負責的。He is not supposed to know all the technical details, and he didn't know.  But, he wants to dictate. 其實內部討論也沒問題。I won't have a problem discussing with him about all the options and consequences.  但是當時會議客戶也在。我知道他的要求不在我們原來同意的工作範圍內。如果我當著客戶的麵答應去做了,我不知道後果是怎樣的。所以解釋了幾句 (I did it with good intention, just to remind him that it was not within the agreement)可能我的回答不夠圓滑,所以他較上勁兒了,非要我說yes。我後來也隻能說了。(In the internal meeting two days after that meeting, I reported to him what we did based on his request, he started to contradict himself, and asked us to do it the other way - like what we originally proposed.  That is when I was dumbfounded, and asked here how I should clarify the issue, so none of us look like a fool).  One more complication, all the meetings are conference calls.  I call-in to a meeting where all of them sitting in the same meeting room.  If face to face, won't be that difficult. 

一句話,我有點兒green。而且在這方麵,天資比較差。從小實心眼,人家問什麽,答什麽。不會read between the line,沒想太多關於他是誰,我是誰的問題。有時無意中把問的人逼到死胡同裏去。所以讀了大家的話,很有啟發。鍛煉成這裏有的人那種人精而那樣我是沒戲了,但是希望以後可以避免類似的事情。


One sentence was not complet...added here... -朱珠兒- 給 朱珠兒 發送悄悄話 (84 bytes) () 08/18/2011 postreply 07:52:14

球員把球踢進了自己的球門 -Easy.Spin- 給 Easy.Spin 發送悄悄話 Easy.Spin 的博客首頁 (374 bytes) () 08/18/2011 postreply 18:56:15

是這麽回事 - 踢進自己球門了 -朱珠兒- 給 朱珠兒 發送悄悄話 (490 bytes) () 08/18/2011 postreply 21:19:42

要修煉的,不是少抱怨,而是運用老板 -Easy.Spin- 給 Easy.Spin 發送悄悄話 Easy.Spin 的博客首頁 (186 bytes) () 08/18/2011 postreply 21:59:07

I will remember that... -朱珠兒- 給 朱珠兒 發送悄悄話 (39 bytes) () 08/19/2011 postreply 10:05:01
