
來源: 胡說之 2011-08-16 19:46:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2247 bytes)

being defensive is the perfect proof that you are guilty as charged,a big no-no, 在任何時候,一定要冷靜。

真到了要借刀殺人,把你除掉的地步,你那樣寫的email也拯救不了自己的名譽。從你老板的角度,轉發intern的email,不是對你的批評和指責。你老板的意圖是什麽:here we got a problem,  the intern is stuck, since you worked on the data last year, maybe you could find a path forward, so the inexperienced intern could move on. 

相對與那個水平不行的inetern, 你是水平很行的professional,所以你老板的意思是讓你幫助、指點一下那個rookie,及時不能完全解決,至少讓他有個方向繼續做下去。

 just let you know at least one person's comment - 這不是輕描淡寫,it's another way to say 'I am very disppointed to your defensive response'.

On top of taoqibao's excellent suggestions, I'd reply the email like:

Dear johny (the boss),

Thanks for forwarding the email. Based on my experience of working on the data last year, I have to say, I share Rookie's frustration that the data costs us lots of trouble. Due to the tight deadline, and I had couple of other projects on parallel, I didn't have the luxury of digging too much on the data.

However, I have been keeping thinking about improving the project since then. I am glad that I could offer my help to Rookie (the new guy), who got stuck in this project.  I would love to share my thoughts with Rookie, and contribute design ideas. Shall we set up a meeting, so we can sit together and have further discussion ....blah-balh-blah....

這樣寫email,不動聲色地把data責任交代清楚了,麻袋上繡花,底子不中,非我code之罪,而且用非常positive的態度, 為存在的問題提供possible solution, 讓一個人在你的指導下幹活,提升自己的地位,you would show team work, leadership etc... and another couple of sexy words in your portrait, you name it. 



copy 了 -taoqibao- 給 taoqibao 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/16/2011 postreply 21:45:28

sorry,忘了說謝謝了。 -taoqibao- 給 taoqibao 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/16/2011 postreply 22:25:25

範文收藏了。謝謝Blah:) -林卡- 給 林卡 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/16/2011 postreply 21:54:04

Applaud! great e-mail. -朱珠兒- 給 朱珠兒 發送悄悄話 (116 bytes) () 08/17/2011 postreply 07:36:10



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