盡管周會上說了N次關於怎樣寫賣人廣告, 但當收到的要改的簡曆還是通病.
R 大兄弟,
I read your resume.
Made some modification.
Please see attached file.
Please do following change:
1)Add an OBJECTIVE, tell people what are you looking for
2)Move Education to first page
3)Add a COMPUTER SKILL section
4) For work experience, please give Quantity, 要量化, How complex of the project is, how much budget, or $$ amount involved, etc. give detailed numbers.
J 大妹子,
I read your resume.
Please do following change:
1)Add an OBJECTIVE, tell people what are you looking for
2)Move Education to first page
3)Replace TECHNICAL SKILLS section with COMPUTER SKILL section, move to first page.
List all the software name, version in this section. Get rid of the general terms.
4) For work experience, please give Quantity, 要量化, How complex of the project is, how large of the data, or $$ amount involved, etc. give detailed numbers.