你吊胃口小說(suspence story)的水平很高。我猜想你一定是 Church group and Family Party 的中心(center of attention)。派對上總有一倆人滔滔不絕吊胃口吸引人。有一印度家庭婦女聽了我的故事(very boring, by the way),能立即轉述給一大幫人。人人聽得如癡如醉。請勿誤解,我不是說你不好,我很羨慕你的 creative writing skill。我相信你也一定是一個有趣易相處的人。
但是,職場要的是 businese writing skills。你向老板書麵匯報你和他人衝突時也是一邊倒,四頁紙了依然看不出 what you could do better, what you think you did wrong, what other people think you did wrong that you don't necesserily agree with...
Organizational observation skills (翻成‘悟性’最貼切)也很重要。你覺的‘突然’被炒也說明了你還欠缺一些做小老板的 soft skills。單打獨鬥的律師工作(fight spirit)可能比辦公室工作更適合你。