說說我的老板吧,他和我辦公室一離婚女人有染,這個女人非常*****y,經常滿單位追男人調情,上班基本上不做事 and get the highest pay in the office。My line manager lied about her job in her job evaluation. 我reported her with evidence to my line manger and HR regarding her poor perfomance in the work. unfortunately HR manager reports to my boss as well. My line manager wiped everything off and told me back off.
A girl in my work told me that my boss once put his hand on her thigh.afterwards he realised what he was doing and apologised for it. he said he was frisky!
我想過industrial tribunal,我朋友告訴我她的經曆,非常累人,不停地被test,最後她隻希望快點結束。