have a circle of loyal friends, and be able to help them whenever they are in need. It's impossible for me to have today's achievement without their help and encouragement. I'm very appreciative and will give back as much as I can.
I don't normally hold myself out as a "single mother" or "divorced woman." I'm an energetic, confident, and attractive businesswoman/lawyer who can command everybody's attention whenever walking into a conference room. It was after the divorce that I finally discovered my appeal and that was what my ex has been insecured about. He tried to distroy my self-esteem so I would feel inadequate and stay with him. He's super intelligent and successful in other's eyes, so when the news came out about our divorce, everybody was in di*****elief. Some even suspected I did that because I got my law degree,bluh,bluh,bluh.
Well, we are now OK and still help each other as we have to raise the kids right. Sometimes we advise each other on business or legal issues, and found it's easier to communicate when we're NOT related. He tried all he could to make up with me and changed his behavior, but I just couldn't forget the painful past and pretend nothing had happened. Let him start over with someone fresh. And me too, explore all the options I can have. I believe my choice was the best for both of us, unlike other people's comments here, that was the most responsible way to deal with this type of situation.
JJ, I don't think anybody would make you 150% happy. Maybe short-term, but can't last forever. I do have a guy who is above every expectation I have but I'm not sure that's always the case, as people change and things change too. At our age we should know that it's ourselves that make us happy, not anybody esle. So, since I am tall and pretty, I require my guy at least match that. He needs to take care of himself and be classy and good-looking. We both enjoy beautiful clothes, nice foods and home design. We don't have a lot of time together as he's working towards the top job of a big company, but I can make myself happy in his absence. And he knows that if I'm unhappy then there would be plenty of other options for me (hey, I belong to the elite group of lawyers in a big city ;). So, my point is, don't count on anybody else; you have made it so far by youself, and you can even go a lot farther without anybody. No matter a CEO or a regular person, love yourself so other people will love you.
We've learned a lot and we are mature enough to deal with anything. I am glad I have this experience, and I can say I am stronger and more confident than a lot of other women. And even time seems reversed in my case, I've been called young and beautiful -- not a lot of people were aware of that before. Happy woman is a pretty woman, especially when you love fashion.
Not sure about the "bike" thing in your comment but money does provide freedom and independence, however, to be happy we need a lot more than that. To me, is myself and my girls, friends, family, and the power to make things happen.
Happy holidays!