
回答: 說說剛才的麵試和教訓,求指點loudking2010-10-26 06:29:41

Some experiences to share with you:

No. 1, do not trust what they say, trust your sense by probing. One example, they may be laying off people while still hiring positions. If you don't ask, they will NEVER tell you they had layoffs.

No. 2, always negotiate salary. I usually start from 15k - 20K above my acceptable range. If they appear astonished, then you're asking for too much, or they can't even come up close. If they look hesitant and say, "uh, this position doesn't pay that high." you know they would want to negotiate. Cutting 5k or 10K may get you a deal. If you happen to get two offers, you're at a great advantage. Ask boldly and let them sweat. One psycological thing with Asian is that they worry they may be given hard time upon hiring if they played hard ball in the salary negotiation. Not true. If they don't like you, you wouldn't get the job. If you do get the job, it's not because you took a humble pay. It's your skills that they desire. My experience told me, they can only look at you with more respect. ah, this guy is tough!

No. 3. No need to write a thank you letter. That's old school. Hiring managers don't care either. Again, if they like you, they'll contact you. If they don't, thanking them is a waste of your time.

