Everyone is slow when he/she first starts the job. Tell them you

回答: what should I docarrot122010-10-15 18:27:27

catch up the speed as time goes by. Don't give up yet until you find another good one.

Your supervisor is obviously a *****! There is absolutely no doubt about it.

I had a similar situation 5 yrs ago.  When I first started at that company, everyone in the accounting dept hated the manager and of course she was a very horrible psycho and she complainted to the CFO I was slow. I told the CFO I would pick up the speed later cuz I needed to focus on accuracy first. I had been there for two weeks or so.

I was so mad and talked to my co-workers and they all told me to ignore that psycho.  After two months, I found another job, left my resignation letter to HR on the pay day and left.

Later on, my ex-collegue told me that psycho actually liked my work after one month but she didn't know why I just left without telling anyone.

The job market is tough, take your time and find a good one! No one want to work with *****es! 




回複:Everyone is slow when he/she first starts the job. Tell them -0.02$- 給 0.02$ 發送悄悄話 (581 bytes) () 10/16/2010 postreply 16:33:34

Don't they know something called "learning curve"? -Justathought- 給 Justathought 發送悄悄話 (113 bytes) () 10/17/2010 postreply 07:38:06

Unfortunately, more and more companies are full of slave drivers -0.02$- 給 0.02$ 發送悄悄話 (972 bytes) () 10/17/2010 postreply 09:07:28
