---- 這是我以前(也許是去年)給同事的中秋節節日信件:
October the 3rd of this year is Chinese Middle Autumn Festival (the 2nd biggest holiday of
The moon rises from the ocean; the love ones, no matter where do they live – beginning of the sky or end of the earth – are sharing this same moment of beauty & peace.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
---- 這是我今年寫的:
PP has bugged me multiple times for Chinese moon cake. Here they are on my desk. Come grab one if you would like.
這幅畫, 多簡單: 從構圖, 到色彩, 光線....
簡單讓人滿足, 讓人透徹, 讓人超脫, 於是, 就還人應有的平安, 歡愉和美感
都知道財富和名譽不是永恒的, 寰宇有永恒的東西嗎?
我相信愛永恒; 愛不僅永恒, 她還使生命完滿
中秋之際, 就讓我借這幅美麗的和諧的圖畫, 祝自己也祝朋友們, 讀者們, 網親們,
中秋快樂, 吉祥如意, 闔家安康!
願生活象這畫麵一樣, 有著恒常的美麗和安詳.
中秋的明月告訴我們, 世界有圓滿.....
(文字: 虔謙 圖: 轉自網絡)