回複:回複:I think you should talk to your ceo now instead of later

來源: jennycs 2010-09-14 10:02:38 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (958 bytes)
I never said or responsed anything in 文學城. Today I have to say someting in here. I totally agree what cici1900 suggested. Talk to ceo now and say the fact and tell him how your bully boss treat you without respect.

If I were you, I wouldn't allow this happen at first place. I sent her an email each time after she say some abused words to you and explain the things professionally and tell her what she say hurt your feeling and keep those email records as 證據.

I also don't understand why you are afraid she will do bad things to you. You don't need her as your reference and you don't have to finish all the works you gave you and you even can tell her you don't feel well today and go home for a rest. You need to learn how to deal with those type personality and let her got mad not you. Do you observe how others people deal with her? Also Even she say bad things about you, do you think poeple will believe about what she say?


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