A few more words on staking out a career in academics

You (and your friend) are very welcome.

Now that I more or less have your ears, I wish to add a few more words on staking out a career in academics:

1). Like in many other professions, and probably more so in academics, getting one's foot in the door goes a long way toward establishing a successful career. Once having gained an entry, and certainly after having secured tenure, plying the trade can be as effortless as flying on autopilot. (If so desired, needless to say, one can do more, a lot more, than cruising along to retirement, but that is beside the point here.)

2). It is not uncommon to see academicians double up as administrators in some capacity, but the added responsibilities do entail a greater commitment, which cannot always be taken for granted in folks without a commeasurable ambition. Administrative duties are, almost by definition, tedious and detail-oriented, and often involve some level of dealings with HR/personnel issues. For those of us who would much rather mind our own business and not much else but our own business, assuming extra responsibilities is something that should not be taken lightly.

3). Many others have observed on this forum that the key to building a successful career is having a workable plan and sticking with it. That is certainly true for the overwhelming talented majority of folks who frequent this forum. Those already in academics have this hard-earned edge: they have jumped through many hoops to get to where they are, establishing themselves along the way that they are overachievers and ultimate survivors. Therefore, this last word of advice: Be confident (and patient), aim high, and make the most of opportunities that come their way.

Thanks for lending your ears.


謝謝qianzou的回複。我 -christianlily- 給 christianlily 發送悄悄話 christianlily 的博客首頁 (301 bytes) () 04/30/2010 postreply 21:22:47

那,你是 -蒙蒙霧- 給 蒙蒙霧 發送悄悄話 蒙蒙霧 的博客首頁 (100 bytes) () 04/30/2010 postreply 21:47:59
