Getting current bosses blessing to switch

Managing people is a good skill to learn. All the bigger jobs require experiences managing people and managing budget. If you want to move up, you'll need this experience.

You need to discuss with your current bosses before you apply the BU job. The simplest way is to ask for their opinion, like what you are doing here. If they suggest you apply, they are naturally supportive. If they object, you can go over your analysis and ask for their input. In other words, if you treat them as part of your team, they will behave like part of your team.

Senior managers at HQ often need people on the ground to feed them information. Most of those guys actually have their private information source, in addition to formal management channel. If you plan to switch, you should connect with senior managers and offer to help them with information from the field, and actually send them some of your observations or suggestions once in a while. This is a relationship thing. Once they consider you to be his/her small circle, the private connection is actually more powerful than the public visibility.

To really move up, you'll need connections and relationship at all level. If you want to be a CFO, keep working toward it. It may not be as hard as you think!


Awesome point...never thought this -xc08- 給 xc08 發送悄悄話 (539 bytes) () 09/18/2009 postreply 19:52:10
