You only tell something which will help selling you during the interview.
Lay off is not a strange thing these days, therefore, it will not hurt you much if you tell you got a lay off.
However, since you just got the lay off, you can just say: I am still get paied.... to make the answer not clear, to let them think what that mean. You just say the fact ... you dpo not cheating anybody.
Keep looking!
Wish you all the best!
No ask,No tell. If ask, I am still get payed....
good suggestion but it might be tougher than that
(528 bytes)
05/15/2009 postreply
Absolutely Agree!
(0 bytes)
05/15/2009 postreply
Be truthful, unless you are very good in covering yourself
(314 bytes)
05/15/2009 postreply