回複:回複:Interview response - "we have several other candidates tha

Thank you for your input.

The recruiter first submitted my resume to the company in Feb when I was still in Midwest. He asked my desired salary, I said that I am open. He said I should be able to get 10k-15k more than my old salary for this position (it is in NYC, more expensive). The recruiter submitted my resume to the company, and the company said they had to screen their laid off employees from other branches first to fill this position. I guess they did not want to pay the recruiter fee and flight ticket for interview. Later I could not be able to find and contact the recruiter any more. I found the exact job opening posted in company website, so I submitted the resume directly. 2 weeks later, the company called me for interview, they seemed to have avoided the recruiter in the middle, as the recruiter never contacted me.

When I interviewed, I found the role for this job is simpler than my last job, less responsibility, very easy for me to handle. It is possible that their budget for this position is lower than my old salary, even though it is not what the recruiter said. But I am not sure if the recruiter really knows the salary range for this position. The recruiter made me to have the wrong impression that the salary is higher. Also I know the salary is higher for my field in NYC due to the higher living cost, in a normal market. I work in the field that a lot of people got laid off in this recession, so the bar is much lower now. I have to wait to the next year for job hunting, as it is even harder for a pregnant person in this market.


回複:回複:回複:Interview response - "we have several other candidates -Babygirl0909- 給 Babygirl0909 發送悄悄話 (76 bytes) () 04/19/2009 postreply 10:35:52

It's s-u-b-m-i-t-e-d. The bar is higher not lower. -rubikscube- 給 rubikscube 發送悄悄話 rubikscube 的博客首頁 (10 bytes) () 04/19/2009 postreply 10:52:54
