Boss laid off

來源: OldTree 2009-01-17 21:13:28 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2564 bytes)
公司的裁員風暴似乎是止息了。全球遍地開花, 裁了%8。

上周四, 正埋頭做我的程序呢, 有人拍我肩膀, 扭頭一看,是另一程序員,告訴我說今天是他的最後一天。 我還迷惑呢, 還問他是不是找到新工作了? 他告訴我公司正裁員呢, 他和另一女工程師被裁了,還告訴我要小心些。總部這個地方會裁 36 人。

哦,我明白了。不過還是接著做我的工作, 雖然老板下午才來。但天天活可緊著呢。


中午時分, 管我們產品的市場經理來了,來說 farewell。他是被自己的老板從歐洲電話裁掉的。

午餐之後, 老板還沒來, 組裏人人自危,因為就我們組還沒走人。我們老板在公司工作二十多年了,技術上可謂算法,軟硬件呀, 儀器呀什麽的樣樣精通,還做過R&D的大老板。去年政治鬥爭輸了才降級做小組長。我和老板共事好幾年了,基本還挺愉快的,雖然老板什麽都讓我做, 自己隻是出主意。但我有好幾個孩子, 他不讓我加班時間也還比較自由我也就不計較讓他拿 credit 了。而且從他那我也學不少東西。

It is fast to type in English.. Let me continue...

2:00pm, my manager came back from his son's high school meeting. He looks happy. Yeah, it would always be good to hang around with young people.o idea abou
"i can not access my voce mail." He looks puzzled and has no idea about today's event.

I tell him that there are layoffs and our product owner is gone. He jumped up to look for his boss. Nobody was there and he came back.The whole group
chatted about the event.

boss was gone again.

At 3;30pm, my phone rang. Gosh, is it HR to inform me i am going to get a package? It is a colleague i had been worked with. she says farewell and told me my boss is also there.

4:30pm, boss came back, with his manager. They talked about some machines here and there. Looks like they are talking about work, as usual.I settled.

But some thing is still not right. Boss is doing something in his old office. His manegers put two more boxes beside his table--- Oh, it is some moving boxes.

Now I can not sit still any more. I got up to talk with another developer.
Boss came back so I asked him" is everything fine? "
"No, it is not good. I got layoff."

What? I totally faint --- My suspect is true but it still feels unreal. I had worked with him every day in the past several years and he will be gone now, forever?

THis would be my boss' first time im his 25 years' work experience. He had those feelings of a first timer although usually he was strong. he looks angry to be threw out by his company. That is probably part of his life already.He thinks he is sort of un-replaceabl.but now?


二十多年一瞬間,公司少誰一樣轉. 該談工資咱就談,家庭第一不靦腆. -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2009 postreply 21:27:10

趁機趕走異己! -cookie她爹- 給 cookie她爹 發送悄悄話 cookie她爹 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2009 postreply 21:28:57

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不能增加收入,那就降低成本。就這兩條路可走。 -眼冒金星- 給 眼冒金星 發送悄悄話 眼冒金星 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2009 postreply 23:53:57

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