


(2014-10-18 06:49:22) 下一個


 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

注意英文用的是World,中文應該是翻譯成世界,而不是世人。那麽到底是什麽意思呢?平克(A.W.PINK)World 7種用法。我認為在約翰福音裏有三種用法,ranging from "every human being without exception" to "all nations of the earth" to "non-elect humanity."


在約翰福音316,我認為是第一種。這麽解釋:The fact is that ‘the world’ is used in a general way.  當時耶穌說話的場景,解經不能離開上下文。他正在同尼哥底母講話,尼哥底母是猶太人。基督宣稱神派他兒子到世界上來,不僅是解救猶太人,還有更大的目的。要從更大的地理範圍來看,遠超過了巴勒斯坦的邊界。that it flowed beyond the boundary of Palestine, reaching out to ‘regions beyond.’ In other words, this was Christ’s announcement that God had a purpose of grace toward Gentiles as well as Jews. ‘God so loved the world, 救 恩不隻是猶太人,而且是外邦人,一直從以色列內擴展到全世界範圍,所以God so loved the World,這裏的世人應該是指所有的人。


  不 要以為聖經中所說的福音隻是針對神所揀選的人,在這本論揀選的聖經中,也有多處說到為每一個罪人而預備的福音。看起來似乎矛盾,其實不然,因為從永遠就揀 選一定數目的人得永生的神,也誠誠懇懇地邀請所有的人接受福音得永生。沒有一位神學家能在人的理性裏解釋這似非而是的理論,但是那些偉大的神學家,謙卑地 接受這兩方麵都是神的真理。




 另 外,上帝的拯救不僅是對人的拯救,而且是對自亞當犯罪以來破碎的世界的恢複,荷蘭改革宗神學家巴文克認為:一、以創造為本的世界觀(creation- based worldview):三一神從無到有創造的世界,包括屬靈的天與屬物質的宇宙;創造者與受造界兩者必須區分不可溷淆(creator and creature distinction)。對造物主的敬拜、敬畏、尊崇、愛慕與倚賴,是認識、管理與享受受造世界的基礎。
二、救贖是 創造的恢複與更新(redemption as re-creation):被罪玷汙的受造界,神設計救贖計畫挽救、恢複、更新,最後將受造界帶到比受造之初更榮耀的高潮,但不是廢棄它而再造它。神在這 個世界(this world)的工作,將有意義地成全將來的那個世界(the world to come)。
三、恩典恢複了自然(grace restores nature):特殊啟示與特殊恩典重新賦予墮落人性更新的知識與性情去認識與應用神的普遍啟示與普遍恩典中,以實現神在人受造之初的管家使命 (cultural mandate),作為福音使命(gospel mandate)的表現。


It cannot mean the whole human race, for one half of the race was already in hell when Christ came to earth. It is unfair to insist that it means every human being now living, for every other passage in the New Testament where God’s love is mentioned limits it to His own people — search and see! The objects of God’s love in John 3:16 are precisely the same as the objects of Christ’s love in John 13:1: ‘Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His time was come, that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end.’ We may admit that our interpretation of John 3:16 is no novel one invented by us, but one almost uniformly given by the Reformers and Puritans, and many others since them. (The Sovereignty of God)

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