

(2005-09-28 17:47:41) 下一個
如果老師對你的孩子不公時,你該怎麽做? (ZT) 文章來源: dengyi 於 2005-09-20 10:12:04 If your child's teacher skips the positive feedback and dwells exclusively on problems, or her tone seems overly harsh and critical, try not to respond with anger right off the bat. Say something such as "I understand that you think my son is having difficulties. But I'm hoping that you can find something positive to say about his progress." Most teachers know that it's best to open a parent conference on a positive note. That sets an optimistic tone for the rest of the meeting, even if there are serious concerns to discuss. Also, you're much more likely to be open to criticism if it's preceded by praise. If the teacher continues to dwell on the negative, then try to find out why. If your child's behavior is at issue, find out if something happened in the classroom that she hadn't told you about earlier. Ask her to relate specific anecdotes that illustrate your child's problem. Try to agree on a plan of action to improve your child's behavior at school. And set up a follow-up meeting in a couple of weeks to talk again. If the teacher is unduly critical at this second meeting, then let her know that you wish to schedule a meeting with her and her supervisor so that you can solve this problem together. Your child is entitled to have a teacher who can react to him with an open mind, and who can see his strengths as well as his weaknesses.
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