
本帖於 2024-10-04 14:21:23 時間, 由普通用戶 方外居士 編輯

Liberating the rural real estate market

will be a low-hanging fruit, and if picked, will trigger next revolution to Chinese economy, compatible to the rural land reform of 80th decade, urban housing reform of 90th decade in 20th century and raising to trade giant after joining WTO in 2001.


方兄很棒,你有好幾個關鍵詞/組都譯對了!整體很好,通順流暢!也是我譯文誤導,方兄見內,多謝! -暖冬cool夏- 給 暖冬cool夏 發送悄悄話 暖冬cool夏 的博客首頁 (351 bytes) () 10/04/2024 postreply 14:19:33

改為 -方外居士- 給 方外居士 發送悄悄話 (19 bytes) () 10/04/2024 postreply 14:20:50

Perfect! -暖冬cool夏- 給 暖冬cool夏 發送悄悄話 暖冬cool夏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2024 postreply 14:23:05
