Excellent Translation from DePaul Student, Andrew Hardy

本帖於 2014-04-02 11:25:22 時間, 由普通用戶 京燕花園 編輯
Excellent Translation from DePaul Student, Andrew Hardy

Translation from Chinese to English

By Andrew Hardy 

























豬刀藏在身後,它也能嗅出來,朝 你瞪大眼睛,噢 噢地吼起來。我 總是用細米糠熬的粥喂它,
















會議的精神我已經知道了,但我不為它擔憂--因為假如專政是指繩索和殺豬刀的話,那 是一
















The Pig


By Wang Xiaobo

Translated By: Andrew Hardy


            When I was sent down to the countryside, I fed pigs and herded cows. When no one handles them, these animals know how to live. They stroll about freely and at ease. When hungry, they eat. When thirsty, they drink. When spring comes, they make love. Their life is simple and totally unremarkable. When people came, an arrangement was made for them: every cow and every pig’s life was given meaning. For most of them, this meaning in life was quite miserable: the former were meant to work, the latter were meant to make meat. I don’t think this is anything to complain about. At that time, my own life wasn’t all that fulfilling: there was nothing for entertainment except the Eight Model Operas. For a smallnumber of pigs and cows, there was another arrangement. Some boars and sows, for example, aside from eating, were given another thing to do. As I saw it, they weren’t very fond of this either. The boar’s task was to mate, which is to say, our policy made him a licensed Casanova. But when they were worn out, boars often assumed an air of gentlemanly propriety usually only seen in meat pigs (meat pigs were castrated), and would no longer jump up on a sow’s back. The sow’s task was to give birth, though a few of them would sometimes eat their young. In the end, people’s arrangements made pigs’ lives intolerable, and yet they accepted it. Pigs will be pigs, after all.

            To try to organize life is a characteristically human trait. Not only do we organize animals, but also ourselves. There was Sparta in Ancient Greece, where all the joys had been organized out of life. It was their idea was to make all men fanatic soldiers and all women birth-giving machines. The former were like fighting cocks, and the latter were like sows. As special as these animals are, I am sure that they don’t like their lives. But what can they do? Both people and animals always find it hard to change their fate.

            The pig that I want to talk about is a bit unlike the common lot. When I was feeding pigs, he was already about four or five years old. Originally he was marked as a common meat pig, but he was dark and skinny, and his eyes were bright. This fellow was agile like a mountain goat, in one jump he could clear a fence a meter high. He could also jump up on the roof of the pigpen, in this way he was like a cat—he strolled about everywhere as he pleased, never staying in the pen. All of the sent-down youths that fed pigs, including me, treated him as a pet. He was only good with the students, he let us get within about three meters of him. If it were anyone else, he’d run off. He was a boar, though originally meant to be castrated. But try it yourself and see, even if you were to hide the gelding-knife behind your back, he’d sniff it out and let out a howl, eyes bulging. I always used to feed him rice-husk porridge. First I’d let him eat his fill, then I’d mix weeds into the rest and feed the other pigs. The other pigs would get jealous and make a big racket—the whole pigpen would be in uproar every time I did this. But he and I didn’t care. After he’d eaten, he’d hop up onto the roof to lay in the sun, or imitate all sorts of sounds. He had learned to mimic the sound of a car and a tractor, he’d learned them quite accurately. Sometimes you could go all day and see no trace of him, I suspect he would go over to the neighboring village looking for sows. There were sows in the pen, but they were dirty and smelly, and giving birth all the time had made them lose their figure. He wasn’t interested. The sows over in the village were more attractive. He was wonderfully accomplished, but my time there was short and my knowledge of his skills limited, so perhaps it’s best to leave it at that. In a word, all of the sent-down youths who fed pigs liked him for his free-spirit. But the villagers were not so romantic. That pig is indecent, they would say. The team leader utterly detested him, which I will say more about later. I more than liked him, I respected him. Often, despite the fact that I was more than ten years older than him, I’d call him “Big Brother”. As I said before, Big Brother could mimic all kinds of sounds. I wished he had also learned how to talk, but he hadn’t. Supposing he had, I think he and I would have a lot to discuss. But I can’t blame him. Our voices were just too different.

            Later on, Big Brother learned how to make a whistle-sound. This skill got him into trouble. We had a sugar refinery that would always whistle at noon for the shift change. When we were out in the fields working, this whistle would tell us when we could head back in. Around ten every morning, Big Brother would hop up onto the pigpen roof and work on this whistle-sound, about an hour and a half before the factory whistle. Frankly, it wasn’t entirely his fault, there was after all still some difference between the two sounds. But the villagers insisted they couldn’t tell. The team leader called a meeting about the situation, denouncing the pig as a bad element intent on ruining the spring plowing, and calling for dictatorial measures to be adopted against him. I quickly understood what this meeting was about, but I wasn’t really worried. But even if  “dictatorial measures” did mean the rope and slaughter knife, there was still no way it was going to happen. Other leaders had certainly tried before. A hundred people still wouldn’t be able to capture him. Dogs were useless too: Big Brother ran like a little torpedo, he could easily outrun them. Everyone knew this would require great effort. The political instructor brought about 20 people, four or five pistols among them. The assistant political instructor brought about ten people, each carrying a rifle. They split into two lines, surrounding the pigpen on either side. This forced me into something of a dilemma: being that Brother Pig and I were friends, I should have charged out brandishing two big slaughter knives and fought with him shoulder to shoulder. But I thought that this sort of grand gesture might be a bit excessive, after all he was just a pig. There was another reason, I didn’t dare oppose the team leader. I suspect that this was the real problem. Anyway, I just stood to the side and watched. Big Brother’s coolness was really something: he calmly kept himself right between the lines of fire. No matter how much the men yelled or the dogs barked, he wouldn’t leave that line. This way, if either side opened fire they would end up killing the other. As for him, being a small target, he wouldn’t have much to worry about. In this way he walked in a few circles, found an opening, and dashed through, running as nonchalantly as could be. Later, I saw him once while I was in the sugar fields. He’d grown fangs, but he recognized me still. But he wouldn’t let me get close. This coldness pained me a little, but I understood why he kept his distance.

            I’m forty now, and aside from this pig, I’ve never seen anyone who dared resist being organized in this way. On the contrary, I’ve only seen people who want to organize life, and those who put up with being organized. Because of this, I always think fondly of that pig.


王小波寫得精辟,Andrew Hardy譯得精彩。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (190 bytes) () 03/28/2014 postreply 11:02:47

Excellent writing and translation! -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2014 postreply 13:22:06

好棒的故事和翻譯,非常喜歡。謝謝分享! -南山鬆- 給 南山鬆 發送悄悄話 南山鬆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/02/2014 postreply 17:42:29
