Nancy生活館 | 酒釀蒸魚 - 新年之際三款簡易美味的全魚做法 (中)

酒釀蒸魚-江南吃法 Fish with Fermented Rice Wine


When I thought of this flavor, I happened to have a few beautiful golden trout. This recipe also works well with yellow croaker, sea bass, or any fish with tender, delicate flesh. For fresh and vibrant fish, it's important to use fewer seasonings to preserve their natural flavor and tender texture.

原料 Ingredients:

  • 鱒魚, 鱈魚,黃花魚1 條 (1.5 lbs) 1 trout (or yellow croaker,bass)
  • 酒釀 1 小杯 | 1 small cup fermented wine rice
  • 糖 1 tsp | 1 tsp sugar
  • 紹興酒 1 tbsp | 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
  • 鹽 ½ tsp | ½ tsp salt
  • 枸杞、胡蘿卜片 (裝飾) | Goji berries, carrot slices ( garnish also add sweetness)



When I was a child traveled  in the Southern China, I had eaten fish cooked with fermented rice wine, and seeing this fish immediately made me think that fermented rice wine would pair perfectly with it. Here is the result of my own experiment.

步驟 Directions:

  • 混合調料:將酒釀、糖和紹興酒混合均勻。魚身抹鹽,並在魚肚內放入薑片。用枸杞和胡蘿卜片裝飾,把酒釀的米也放上一起蒸。

Mix fermented rice, sugar, and Shaoxing wine. Sprinkle salt on the fish and stuff ginger slices inside. Garnish with goji berries and carrot slices rice inside the rice wine to steam together.

放入蒸汽烤箱蒸8分鍾(根據魚大小可以調整),出來正好。Steam it in a steam oven for 8 minutes, and it comes out perfectly.

  • 蒸魚:將魚蒸好取出,裝盤。將多餘的酒釀汁淋在魚上,趁熱享用。

Steam for 7-8 minutes. Serve warm with the extra wine sauce poured over.


The trout I used had exceptionally tender meat. Once the main bone was removed, there were no other bones left.


The combination of fish and fermented rice is pure bliss! The tender fish paired with the fermented rice is truly perfect! Taking the first bite of fish with the fermented rice fills me with a deep sense of pride and joy!

食譜 (檸檬酸豆蒸/烤魚|意大利吃法

