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(2007-10-11 18:01:06) 下一個

Bridge of Madison County

 “Bridge of Madison County” was a love story between Francesca and Robert, a middle-aged house wife and a middle-aged photographer, who happened to take picture of the Bridge of Madison County for National Geographic. Their love lasted for entire life in spite of only 4 days of staying together.

I first watched the movie, and then read the novel a decade ago. I was very touched by Francesca’s final decision. She contributed her whole life to her husband and two children. Some scenes were very impressive. For instance, at the end of the movie Francesca found Robert’s pickup parking nearby and leaned over to take a look. Meanwhile, Robert was standing out there in heavy rain looking her back. He was expecting her to go with him. At that moment, a faint and sad smile emerged on their faces, which exposed pain deep in their hearts. While their pickups stopped in front of the red traffic lights, Robert hung the necklace on the rear mirror. The necklace was a love suvirnior from Francesca. He hoped that she would change her mind.  He kept waiting even the traffic lights turned to green. Francesca sitting beside her husband in their pickup on their way back home saw everything Robert did. She turned the knob of passenger door of the pickup little by little, and almost opened the door when Robert started the pickup. Tears rolled down on her face. The dilemma of leaving or staying, of going back home with her husband or pursuing her dream with her lover tortured her.

Another touching scene was that Francesca received Robert’s package, which was evident that he was gone forever. Robert left her his necklace, bracelace, photographs, cameras and a farewell letter as well. When Francesca’s son and daughter spread their mother’s bone ashes on the bridge of Madison county, Francesca’s voice said:”I gave my whole life to my family and I gave the left to him” Not difficult to figure out that they had been always lived in the other’s heart. They dedicated their life-long love to each other.

But how could a 4-day affair turn out to be an everlasting love? Were they soul mates to eventually find each other? What if they “eloped” somewhere far away from her family, would they lead a better life? Would she not worry about her children or questioned her decision? Sometimes, when one dream was gone, another one started to be built up. Luckily, their fairytale did not burst like a bubble after they had to physically drift apart. Instead, it had been rooted and blossomed in their hearts forever. No matter what, Francesca devoted her life to her family responsibility was plausible, though it may be so obsolete nowadays, when pursing one’s true love would be popular and favorable.

Note: The Bridge in Madison County was totally burned a couple of years ago.  After the movie, the bridge became so well known.  There were visitors all the time.  The rumor was some moralists did it.  They hated to see the bridge being worshipped as a symbol of an immoral affair (The information was contributed by my friend).

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閱讀 ()評論 (9)
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flamenco_girl的評論:

Ha, I am just opposite to you. I belong to emotion-driven type, easy to be emotionally involved (sounds very dangerous:-)))).I hardly see through a person without long-term connection. I am easy to be attracted by someone's good personalities and sometimes crazy for it. :-)
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 回複melly的評論:
Believe it or not, I haven't experienced anyone who let me lose my mind so far, though I enjoyed relationships. I don't know it's a fortunate or an unfortunate. I guess I'm a typical logical-driven one. In another hand, I can tell a person is "my type" or not quite fast, and it usually stays that way no matter how long it has been afterwards. I guess every personality has pros and cons.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:

I am with you this time in terms of being intuitive or analytical. As an emotion-driven type, I'd rather follow my heart even after analyzing the pros and cons. However, I am skeptical people could figure our which weighs more than the other, positive factors or negative ones. People are somehow blind in a relationship, especially when the flame is burning high. No one expect it is an illusion but sometimes it is indeed.

Am I sort of pessimistic? :-) Well, emotion-driven people are rational too.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 回複melly的評論:
I guess at least for me do have judgment for a relationship is right or wrong, as I mentioned before. Basically, it's if "positive factors > negtive factors". Actually, I'm more intuitive than analytical, so the answer is an intuitive one as well, instead of a detailed analysis. If I didn't feel right when being with someone, I'll not be bothered to think it's right afterwards.

melly 回複 悄悄話 回複lindows的評論:
Thank you. Another gift. No idea the two people in the picture are lovers or spouses.LOL
lindows 回複 悄悄話 送一張廊橋的照片。據說是安省唯一的一座。
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:
I guess it is easier to rule out the wrong ones than to figure out the right one. Sometimes, one usually realizes he/she is the right one once leaving him/her. There are no right or wrong answers for family or emotion related issues.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 Maybe people just know when they meet right one, maybe it's an illusion due to hard to get.