  • 博客訪問:


(2007-05-07 09:35:57) 下一個


先生低頭調試相機完畢,抬頭欲叫小兒擺好pose,卻發現小兒已不見了蹤影。先生心急,舉目四望,見附近隻有兩個談笑風生的小MM悠然自得的走著。這可如何是好?Wait a second, 仔細再看,卻發現小MM身後有個小影子在晃動。哈,原來一不留神小兒已經迫不及待的狂chase女孩了。隻見小兒跌跌撞撞,連跑帶踮的非常文明的不露聲色的悄悄尾隨在兩個小MM身後,一副求求你們看我一眼,和我玩一會吧的架勢,就連高高的馬路牙子也毫無懼色奮不顧身的跳將下去,為了追女孩子,這是何等的英雄氣概。不知是因為小兒實在太安靜了,還是小MM們聊得太投入,小兒居然沒有被發現。稍頃,小兒有些不耐煩了,我追了這麽久,你們居然看都不看我一眼,太不把豆包當幹糧了,何況我比豆包強多了。雖不是滿腹經綸,但也一表人才,怎麽就連個正眼都沒有呢。看來我該出手時要出手了。於是,小兒毫不猶豫地伸出他的小胖手欲輕輕撫摸小MM的美臀,來引起她們的注意。可惜小MM們步伐敏捷,小兒畢竟人小力薄,未能得逞,這叫一個鬱悶。等小MM們走遠了,小兒才想起來在身後的爸爸,那幅悵惘若失的表情像是在問:我這麽優秀,他們為什麽不和我玩呢?

沒辦法,異性相吸是自然界的普遍規律,誰讓我們天生又是個小色狼 呢?!

P.S. Please keep secret. Otherwise, my son would be really pissed off for this is his privacy.



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melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flysnow68的評論:

Thanks! 隻希望他不要空有一副好皮囊!

nice weekend!
flysnow68 回複 悄悄話 寫得好!可愛的小色狼!長大了又是一帥哥!~_~。。。
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複彩雲滿天飛的評論:

Too bad. This is sort of mutation. haha....
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複40hutu的評論:

Thanks for coming.

Well, he needs 38 more years of tough training in oreder to become a real "forty-year-old manflower".
彩雲滿天飛 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈,老實交待哈, 小色狼的遺傳基因是來自哪一方滴呀?
40hutu 回複 悄悄話 人才輩出,英雄本色,可喜可賀!
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flamenco_girl的評論:

Thank you.Every baby is cute, in this way or another.
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 Soooo cute!
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複blhw72的評論:

They are cute, aren't they?

This was my boy's debut outside. Usually he would attach tightly to his Dad. Yes, he is not violent yet. Who knows if he is still gentle and civilized in the future. Maybe my boy will be much worse than yours. Let's see.
blhw72 回複 悄悄話 Haha, it turns out you also have a se-lang prince, shake hands ;-)

Mine has been since a year old. At an annual dinner celebration, my se-lang prince's eyes caught in a little cute girl. He went up, suddenly holded her and wanna kiss her. We, adults, were all shocked. The poor princess was frightened, wa--cried and headed for her mom's arms.

It certainly infuriated my prince, "how dare she!" He rudely pulled the girl's arm towards him. Gosh, he was kidnapping and just an entire robber. The poor girl cried loudly, eventually her mom rescued her. My prince stamped his foot with fury, and screamed! then cried. He lost his girl.

The girl's mother questioned us regarding how we raised a se-lang prince. I just couldn't find a seam to hide in. What a shame.

Admittedly, compare to mine, yours was much more gentle though insulting, lol.

Look at my prince now,
"Hi, honey, do you like Sophia?(his favorite girl in the class)"
"Nooooooo!" the volumn was 20b high and sounded very affirmative.
"Did you kiss her?"
"Yu......mommy, that's disgusting!' the prince's face blushed and he couldn't wait to run into his room...

Hahaha....... Ru Zi Ke Jiao Ye.