哈佛 Rejection Letter 一共有4段,除了假惺惺的同情和幾滴鱷魚的眼淚之外,它倒確實說了一句實話: “Past experience suggestes that the particular college a student attends is far less important than what the student does to develop his or her strengths and talents over the next four years.” 但是,實話歸實話,你相信嗎?
今天的華爾街日報書摘版介紹了前 Dartmouth 招生官員 Ms. Joie Jager-Hyman 的新書《 Fat Envelope Frenzy 》,注意,不是 Fat Wallet 哦。那什麽是 Fat Envelope 呢,看看下麵的圖您就知道了(圖片版權歸 WSJ ):父親拿這喇叭,母親拽這繩子,幹什麽呢?把身上掛滿了獎牌,手裏滿是獎杯證書的兒子往大學申請信封裏裝。對了,那孩子另外一個手上拿的什麽呢?好像是地球, OMG ,全球化,你得在非洲扶過貧,印度看過孤兒 。
Ms. Jager-Hyman 的書與眾不同的地方在於她跟蹤了5個具備哈佛資質的高中生(其中一個是家在賓州的老中 Flex Zhang ),從申請,麵試直到 Happy or Unhappy Day 的全過程。說起這5個學生,能把人嚇死,華爾街日報用 Perfect Kids 來描述(注意,不是 Gifted Kids )。僅舉一項 Felix 的吧:
“In his spare time, he does research at the local medical school.”
這 research 可不是一般的 research , “He was even named as the lead author on a paper that the lab recently submitted to a prestigious peer-reviewed journal, a distinction that is usually reserved for hardworking graduate students or professors themselves. “
在《 Fat Envelope Frenzy 》的最後,除了介紹了一些“密技”之外, Ms. Jager-Hyman 附了一封完整的哈佛 Rejection Letter 。 In case 您想看看,下麵是這本書在 Amazon 的 Link :
Fat Envelope Frenzy: One Year, Five Promising Students, and the Pursuit of the Ivy League Prize by Joie Jager-hyman (Paperback - Mar 11, 2008)
Old Post: 名校,名校,值得嗎?
is not your goal because shcool is not on your side. but
carree is your final goal and it is on your side. you might be not accepted in Harvard. but you have more chance to achieve your career. pusuiing ivy school for motivation is good reason i could imagine.
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