
賈平凸 (熱門博主)
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College Essay係列(四十三):2023 達茅成功文書(2)

(2024-06-03 09:08:22) 下一個

2023 達矛成功文書(1)


第二篇,《Parents, Teachers, and Places that Shaped Me》

Am I a product of my environment? My first instinct is to say yes, how could l not be? My parents raised me to compost everything possible-and I mean everything-while growing up in Wisconsin. l grew up burning wood, eating fresh food from our garden, and spending my time reading and exploring outside. My mom, a math teacher, taught me good studying habits and encouraged an interest in learning. My dad, a self-taught wood timber framer, built every house I lived in and showed me how anything can be accomplished if one is willing to learn about it. My mentors and teachers provided me with opportunities I would have not even known about without them.

Yet, as much as l attribute my success to my coaches, parents, and hometown, l have not become passive clay in their hands. I have made choices that, while influenced by my upbringing, are entirely my own, and I have learned lessons from my choices I never would have.

When I was sixteen, l traveled by myself to Spain and Germany for a month to visit two foreign exchange students my family hosted. l traveled on my own to the Catalonian region of Spain to learn the culture, practice and expand my knowledge of the Spanish language, and learn some Catalan. I also was interested to see if I could handle being a foreign exchange student myself. I visited Munich in Germany and learned more about German culture. From this trip, l learned that I was not ready to be a foreign exchange student as a high school student-instead, we hosted a Norwegian student last year- and now, I am eager to study abroad in college.

This past spring, I applied to go on a sailing trip around Isle Royale on Lake Superior. In June, I departed with the captain, his wife, and five other high school students from Minnesota and Wisconsin. On the trip, we learned about the effects of climate change on the lake, the relationship between wolves and moose on Isle Royale, and how to sail. This trip inspired me to live with purpose and awareness of the consequences of our actions on the world. This trip closed the circle between my upbringing- my parents' choices- and my own will and crystallized my purpose. My first action was to organize a group of kids from my town to skip school on International Climate Strike Day to attend a rally in Duluth.

Five years ago, my parents chose to move to Ely to be near the Boundary Waters wilderness area. This was uprooting our lives and leaving the farming community we knew and loved. We have settled in and built our house, this time with flush toilets. We have become less sustainable in my opinion, purely for the want of comfort, and while I was disappointed, we did not install solar panels, moving to Ely brought opportunities to me that were not available where we lived before. The school has a cross country team and a Nordic ski team. l had learned to ski from my grandma on our 40-acre property on ungroomed trails, which I loved. So, the thought of having a ski racing team was a dream come true. I quickly learned the new techniques and became successful at racing. I met my friends for the rest of high school on that team. Even though my family has always skied, it was my choice to join the team and ski competitively, which became a passion and a lifestyle.

There is no doubt that I have been shaped and supported by my parents, my teachers, and the places I have lived and visited. But l feel I have chosen paths both inspired by them, yet ultimately made by me. I am now excited to begin making my mark on the world.




雖屬意識流的風格,文字上並非隨意即可。本文有些句子還可更精煉、提高語感力度。比如開篇處,“Am I a product of my environment? My first instinct is to say yes, how could l not be?”可以直接縮減成“Am I a product of my environment?”

接下來,“My parents raised me to compost everything possible-and I mean everything-while growing up in Wisconsin”,也可以縮減成“My parents raised me to compost everything possible-and I mean everything”。

第四段,“When I was sixteen, l traveled by myself to Spain and Germany for a month to visit two foreign exchange students my family hosted”顯得很囉嗦。可以改成,“At sixteen,l traveled two months alone to visit Spanish and German exchange students hosted by my family”。

第六段,“There is no doubt that I have been shaped and supported by my parents, my teachers, and the places I have lived and visited”可以改成“My parents, teachers, and the places I have lived and visited have shaped me”。


• 感覺很真實,沒有奇思妙想技術流。家裏醬油娃可以寫這種風格的。 -成功的77♂ 給 成功的77 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 06/03/2024 postreply 09:26:42

• 醬油娃,意識流很適合。 -賈平凸♂ 給 賈平凸 發送悄悄話 賈平凸 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 06/03/2024 postreply 09:27:32

• 經曆沒有很豐富啊。醬油娃十年級都有一堆可寫了。當然都是醬油。。 -成功的77♂ 給 成功的77 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 06/03/2024 postreply 09:36:29

• 要學會 make it a case 啊。Believing yourself to sell yourself -賈平凸♂ 給 賈平凸 發送悄悄話 賈平凸 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 06/03/2024 postreply 10:19:11

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