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College Essay係列(三十五):芝大 小文書 Why Chicago(1)

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College Essay係列(三十五):芝大小文書 Why Chicago(1)

在通往大學的申請之路上,小文書(Why School,Why Major)也是你表達自我、銷售自我的關鍵工具之一。


但對於這類主題的文書題目,大多數申請者不知道如何對學校深入了解,更會覺得寫起來千篇一律、很boring。很多同學,即使對學校做過很深入的了解,也感覺寫不出一篇好的小文書。小文書的創作,真的不比Common App主文書容易多少。




寫好小文書的先決條件是做好school research。你要知道學校的課程、科研、教授、活動、機構等方麵的細致內容,也要了解各種生活、文化、社交的人、事、物。關於school research的步驟,我以後單獨開篇再講。


接下來,朽石君以三篇成功的"Why UChicago"文書為例,給大家講習一下小文書的質量。我會分析這三篇文書的結構和內容,為各位提供參考。選芝大文書,是因為這裏的文書不限字數,可以看到作者淋漓盡致的熱情。










India Haze

Class 2025 

Major PolSci & CRES

Los Angeles CA

作者是南加州白人女孩 India。可惜的是,India並沒有給我們透露她的Stats和ECs,也沒有LinkedIn,我隻能看到她的Instagram有很多照片和follower。


UChicago exemplifies originality. It is a school with character, community, and creativity. I hope to attend UChicago to find my next home. I look forward to participating in ScavHunt, Kuviasungnerk, and attending as many Doc Films as I can. As a musician and costume-enthusiast, I hope to perform in the University Symphony Orchestra's Halloween Concert and treating myself to a dollar milkshake each Wednesday! I find the distinctive personality of the university mesmerizing and hope to take part in the many traditions and superstitions on and off campus.


As a future political science major with a love for math, music, and economics, I value interdisciplinary studies like no other. With UChicago's Core Curriculum, I am excited to not only study politics, but to learn about biological, social, and physical sciences too- all of which will be done in a small-classroom environment where I can ask questions and participate in dialogue with students and professors. Additionally, l value the freedom and flexibility offered in the quarter system and the opportunity to take such a wide variety of courses throughout this time.


Lastly, I hope to attend UChicago for its outstanding Institute of Politics. I plan on taking advantage of the many events and opportunities for civic engagement offered by the institute. And I hope to be able to participate in the Charles H. Percy Summer in Washington Program. The mentorship program offered what allows students to stay with UChicago Alumni is amazing. And when I move to Washington as a graduate and alumni, I, too, look forward to paying it forward by hosting students and engaging with the next generation of free-thinkers and political minds.


Overall, I hope to attend UChicago so that I can join a community of diverse individuals trying to make the world a better place. I am excited to take advantage of the unique relationship the university holds with the city and to participate in activities on and off campus. I love the friendly competition inspired by the housing system and can't wait to compete for the coveted maroon cup. 


If I were to describe myself in one word, it would be inquisitive, so I'd like to leave you with a question: why not?



1) Misc./校園文化綜合

2) Core Curr/學術課程

3) Ins Pol/專業+校友




這篇367字的Why Chicago,從三個方麵講到芝大對自己的適合性。


開篇明義的一句之後,直接接著的就是第一部分。凸某很難一個詞歸類這裏的內容,就說學生校園生活的豐富內容吧。細節有Scav Hunt,Kuviasungnerk,Doc Films,Halloween Concert,以及星期三的一美元奶昔。


第二部分,講芝大獨特的核心課程,談到small-classroom和quarter system這兩個細節。這裏雖然有好多課程的列表式陳述,但都屬於general term,就不屬於芝大的專有細節了。


第三部分,是跟專業相關的研究拓展項目,提到Ins of Politics,並把自己對校友關係的重視,以Percy Program來了個硬接入。


最後的總結段,無需細節,隻需綜合。但”Why Not”結尾是個小敗筆。


這篇也有7處芝大的細節,說明了作者對芝大的了解到位。雖然多數細節都流於清單式羅列,但可以理解這篇在寫作時,作者並不準備寫很多字數,算是一個應限製。從這點上看,這很可能是照搬了給其他學校的Why Us文書當模板,中間換了幾個適當的細節而已。但沒關係,了解的夠多也是了解。




對了,CRES專業,全稱是Critical Race Ethnics Studies。全校9400名本科生裏,隻有21人目前在讀CRES專業。嘿嘿嘿


下一篇,我們讀同屬來自加州的Ricky男孩的Why Chicago。

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