
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
  • 博客訪問:

An Email from Olivia's Teacher

(2011-11-25 10:46:02) 下一個

Ever since Olivia started the middle school in the fall, I almost never see her study at home except doing some projects. She has always been "running around" busy doing all these extra-curricular activities. I was actually a little worried about how she is doing at school.  Well, we received a nice email from her middle teacher recently and it kinda put my mind at ease. I thought it was very nice of her sending us this note and let us know how Olivia is doing at school. The email reads as the following:

"This is a kudos email for Olivia! We are enjoying the chance to get to know Olivia more and more each day, and we appreciate how respectful, responsible, and hard-working she is on a daily basis; regardless of what is going on around her. She is always willing to participate, and he is very considerate to those around her.  I especially love the initiative she has taken to share her “Go Green” idea with Mr. Stanson-Marsh, Mrs. Patterson, and myself to not only help the environment, but to also give back to others.  She is stellar!

Since we do not always get the chance to meet with everyone at conference time, we wanted to touch base and send a big KUDOS to Olivia for starting off the year with tremendous success!"

Olivia knows that we consider her doing well at school being very important and we don't have problem cutting down her extra-curricular activities if she has too much on her plate. The truth is she has handled everything very well. She just made the Distinguished Horner list at the school and I am so proud of the leadership and interpersonal skills she has developed by being the counselor in training at school, baby sitting in the neighborhood,  initiating fund raising activities for animal shelters and coming up with projects like "Go Green". I sure was not doing all these when I was 11 years old and I want to congratulate her and let her know that Mom and Dad are very proud of her for being such a matured girl!


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