
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
  • 博客訪問:

Evan's Taste of Music

(2013-03-24 17:57:45) 下一個
As I mentioned before, Evan is not as musical as Olivia who can sing any song on a hip hop musical radio channel, well, as least he has not shown. He only sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” may be twice in his entire childhood. Ever since he started piano about two years ago, I started to see a little change that he sometimes would sing along with Olivia in the car. He was in love with Gangnan Style last year that he actually learned to dance with it which never happened before.

Yesterday while I was driving in the car with him, I turned on the ratio and the Thrift Shop was on. He immediately said to me: “That’s Olivia’s jam.”

“Jam? What do you mean by jam?” Kind of knowing what he meant, I still asked.

“It means it is the type of music that she likes.” He answered.

“So what is your jam then?” “The same song!” he then started swinging his head with the beat of the song and smiled. He hummed: “I am goona pop some tags and I only got 20 dollars in my pocket…” This song probably had a lot of words I don't want my kids to know or use.

“So what type of song is your jam?” I am curious about his answer.

“Like this ‘Shift Shop’ song. What does ‘shift” mean anyway?” Evan asked.

“Haha, thrift means you don’t have a lot of money to spend and you have to watch how you spend money.” I explained.

“The song which is my jam can’t be about love and they have to be way off the track.” He continued to explain.

“What do you mean by way off the track?”

“Off the track means it does not rhyme like a song normally does. It is more like people talking than singing. “He tried to explain.

Aha! Doesn't look like he knows the word rapping so I explained to him.

“But the rapping can not be about love.” He emphasized.

I forgot what song started to play on the radio then and he suddenly said:” Now that’s my jelly” which sounded very funny to me. I asked what else was important for a song to be his jelly.

“I also need to understand the words in the song. Some of the songs I just can not make out the words they are singing. And the song has to be catchy.” He continued on with his criteria.

“What do you mean by catchy?” I challenged his ability to explain again.

“’I am gonna pop some tags, and I only got 20 dollars in my pocket’ this is catchy. The Gangnan Style is catchy too.” He started singing without answering my question directly.
Do you have any idea what kind of song is Evan’s jam now? :) I have a pretty good idea but to my knowledge, he really only liked two or three songs so far :).
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