

(2006-11-13 20:44:17) 下一個

80% 的女人都經曆過刻骨銘心的失戀 , 婚前或者婚後 . 沒有經曆的一位好友說她可不想這種事發生在自己身上 , 我不知道 . 我為她祝福 . 可是 , 鳥死了 , 才能成鳳凰 . 誰說的:沒有過去怎麽能知道未來。 多年以後 , 當所有的撕心裂肺的痛成為記憶 , 似乎時間留給我更多的是都對愛痛徹的領悟 , 對一首殤歌痛痛的喜愛 , 對人生悲劇美感的體驗。What is hard to endure is sweet to recall,這何嚐不是一種豐富的人生經曆。當你聽一首歌,它能觸摸到你的心中最柔軟的那一點,無論痛還是喜,我都覺得美。而往往越是體味痛,越是讓你揪心,就越是感覺到濃濃的愛,聽聽 Dido 的這首歌,即便我早已遠離這種狀態,它還是如此讓我的淚水溢出。。。

Who Makes You Feel

I don't touch you the way I used to

And I don't call and write when I’m away

We don't make love as often as we did do

What couldn’t wait now waits and usually goes away

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel

Who loves you and knows you the way I do

Who touches you and holds you quite like I do

Who makes you feel like I make you feel

I don’t mind if you come home late

And I don’t ever ask you where you’ve been

I just assume if there’s a problem, you’d tell me

But listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel

Who loves you and knows you the way I do

Who touches you and holds you quite like I do

Who makes you feel like I make you feel

Being weak, when I am strong

Being seen, for who you are

Being sad and lost but not alone

But listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel

Who loves you and knows you the way I do

Who touches you and holds you quite like I do

Who makes you feel like I make you feel

by Dido

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加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 鳥死了,才能成鳳凰,貓死了,才能成為老虎!