
Battle against the foe of Beauty

(2006-10-20 17:15:12) 下一個

Battle against the foe of beauty Oct 19, 2006

Sometime you really have to believe science which I've been ignored for many years because I counted on my youth and anti-tradition attitude. I didn’t pay any attention on Chinese medicine and certain food which is so enriched to your body. I forgot I was unfortunately a flash made figure instead of any super power controlled creature. I surrendered when I found out good food or practicing Yoga or Pilate really brought so much impact to my body. Even Taiji which I put aside to senior’s category comes back to my mind that I will practice one day. I know all this change are related to my escalating age. Mom gives you beauty before you are 35’s. You are responsible for your own beauty after that age. No ugly woman, only lazy woman exist. Exactly, the more time and energy you devote yourself to, and more hard working on taking care of your body, your charm will glare more at any period of time. Working hard not only for the physical health and skin care, your mental feeding is even more important to evolve you from an ordinary figure to an elegant and sensual looking lady when you are over 35.

 Since last year, when I was 38, I noticed the dramatic change on my view problem. My eyes tended to be tired easily and even blurry at night time. I noticed as well that it’s not because of reading glasses are needed. I was fine with near distance reading. The unpleasant feeling had been accompanied me for long till I tried carrot on regular diet. Everybody knows Carrot is enriched of Vitamine B which is good for nyctalpia, and I ignored this for thinking that what the hell this symptom is related with me. But I started to be open minded and tried Carrot on daily meal. After a month, the result was stunning that this unpleasant feeling was gone. Carrot, I love you my unlovely.









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