Geography - The study of people, places, and the earth.
Map title - Information that tells what is shown on a map.
Map key - The part of map that explains any symbols or colors on the map.
Map scale - Symboles that help to measure distances on a map.
Compass rose - A symbol that shows the four main directions on a map.
Equater - A line of latitude that circles the globe exactly poles.
Hemisphere - one half of the earth's surface.
Latitude - A shape or feature of earth's surface.
Longitude - Lines that cross the globe from north to south.
Continent - one of severn huge land masses of the earth.
Geography Notes:
The equator divides the earth into two equal parts - the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres.
The prime meridian is a line of langitude that passes throngh Greenwich, England.
Continents are the large landmasses on earth.
The seven continents on earths are: North America, South America, Eroupe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.
Oceans are large bodies of salt water that cover almost three-sourths of the earth's surface.
The four largest oceans of the world are: Atlantic Ocean, Artic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean.