
The dream in the dream

(2024-07-24 19:42:11) 下一個

In all the critical moments of my life,

I solely follow my heart of rhyme.

But I was not able to find my heart

Whenever I opened my eyes.

My heart led me to the light,

My eyes directed me to the dark of night.

Standing at the intersection,

I wish I were blind.

I must stop mining the earth,

I must raise my head to the sky,

And let the dream in the dream fly.


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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
寒芯 回複 悄悄話 回複 '海風隨意吹' 的評論 : 謝謝光臨,間或從腦袋裏跳出些文字,不像您是專業水平~
海風隨意吹 回複 悄悄話 文字真好。流暢的語言,內心的掙紮。
寒芯 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 謝謝這麽多鼓勵!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 “ And let the dream in the dream fly.”,好詩,最喜歡這句!