如雪的思念 —寫在情人節
作者 冰花 英譯 柳湄
然而 那支歌隻是我自己反複聽
聽歌 聽冬日裏瑟瑟的風
凝視你的臉龐 既熟悉又陌生
一次又一次 夢中相逢
夢裏夢外 一粒種子化了二月的冰
曾經 背著你花開花謝 無聲
夢裏夢外 把思念裁剪成細雨
不知道 詩情何時來何時去
隻知道 想你如雪卻沒有如雪飄落
Snow-like Yearning
Written on the Valentine's Day
By Bing Hua Tr.by Liu Mei
How I wish to turn into snowflakes
Gently falling on your shoulders
Bring green willows for your chilliness
How I wish to send you a love song
And set you into this love song's scenery
However, that love song is just for my own repeated listening
Listen to the song, listen to the rustling winter wind
A kind of emotion has been tightly sealed
Stare at your face, which seems so familiar and unfamiliar
My heart is pricked by a rose from far away
Over and over again, we are together in the dream
Does a repeated dream only mean a dream?
In and out of the dream, a seed melts the February ice
Once, secretly blooms and withers, in silence
In and out of the dream, my yearning is cut into the drizzling
Which drips into the poetic sentences in the cold windy night
No one knows when the poetic emotion comes and goes
I only know that my yearning is as thick as snowflakes that has not drifted down
Translated by Liu Mei 02/05/2024
冰花 (Bing Hua),主要著作有《二月玫瑰/February's Rose》《冰花詩選》《溪水邊的玫瑰》 等詩集5部,共同主編享譽盛名的《世界華人經典詩選》《海外華人詩歌精選》等詩歌選集4部。其詩被譯成英、德、日等多國文字,多次獲國際詩歌大賽金獎。冰花被譽為“情詩皇後” 、“情感煉獄詩人”、“詩壇玫瑰”等,其詩被稱為“冰花體”,詩影響力被稱為“冰花現象”等。有詩作入選文學院教材、英文課外讀物等。現居美國馬裏蘭州。
筆名柳湄,移居美國前,曾在中國廣州某大學擔任中英文雙語講師,講授英語口語和英語寫作等多門專業課程,在語言學(語用學、修辭學)和英語教學等方麵發表多篇優質中英文學術論文。移居美國後,於2018年3月在美國紐約出版英譯漢譯作《一部東方史詩》(An Epic of the East )。有部分漢譯英詩歌譯作發表在《紐約一行》、《加華文苑》(加拿大溫哥華)等詩刊。近年來,作者專注於將海內外優秀華裔詩人的中文詩作翻譯成英文,旨在讓全世界更多地了解華裔詩人的優秀詩作,讓東方文化真正融入世界。柳湄個人視頻號《柳湄雙語學習頻道》。