

(2024-07-04 15:30:42) 下一個







美國陸軍四月份表示,已在菲律賓北部部署了中程導彈係統,該係統可發射標準導彈 6 (SM-6) 和戰斧對地攻擊導彈。

菲律賓軍隊已經學會了如何使用和維護 Typhon 導彈係統,但該係統並未用於實彈演習,Louie Dema-ala 上校告訴法新社。

“按計劃……該係統將於 9 月甚至更早運出該國,”Dema-ala 說。

“美國陸軍目前正在運出我們在 Balikatan 和 Salaknib(演習)中使用的設備。”

中程導彈係統出現在菲律賓領土上激怒了北京。 中國國防部長董軍 6 月警告稱,北京對南海和亞太地區彈道導彈部署的克製是“有限度的”。

董軍在新加坡安全論壇上的講話明顯是指菲律賓和美國,麵對中國日益增長的軍事實力和影響力,兩國一直在加強國防關係。 董軍表示,“中程彈道導彈”的部署“嚴重損害了地區安全和穩定”。



Philippines says US mid-range missile system to be pulled out

Story by AFP

AUS mid-range missile system deployed in the Philippines for annual joint military exercises -- to the annoyance of China -- will be pulled out of the country, a Philippine Army spokesman said Thursday.

The US Army said in April it had deployed the Mid-Range Capability missile system which can fire the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) and the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile in the northern Philippines.

Philippine troops have been taught how to use and maintain the Typhon missile system, but it was not used in live-fire exercises, Colonel Louie Dema-ala told AFP.

"As per plan... it will be shipped out of the country in September or even earlier," Dema-ala said.

"The US Army is currently shipping out their equipment that we used during Balikatan and Salaknib (exercises)." 

The presence of the mid-range missile system on Philippine soil had angered Beijing. 

Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun warned in June there were "limits" to Beijing's restraint on the South China Sea and over the deployment of ballistic missiles in the Asia-Pacific region.

Dong's remarks at a security forum in Singapore were a clear reference to the Philippines and the United States, which have been boosting defence ties in the face of China's growing military might and influence.

The deployment of "medium-range ballistic missiles" was "severely damaging regional security and stability", Dong said.

"Acting in this way will ultimately burn oneself."

Philippines says US mid-range missile system to be pulled out (msn.com)


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