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Japan is expanding its fleet - illustrative photo


6 月 20 日,第六艘最上級護衛艦在長崎三菱重工造船廠正式服役。這艘艦艇以福島縣的一條河流命名為“阿賀野”。

阿賀野號屬於最上級,又稱 30FF。建造 12 艘該級艦艇展示了日本的工業能力,因為如果保持這種速度,日本艦隊將在短短六年內獲得八艘現代護衛艦(很快可能會訂購更多)。



這也適用於新型護衛艦。最上級艦艇排水量超過 6,000 噸,裝備精良,但由於自動化,其船員人數已減少到僅 90 人。

最上級護衛艦 - 主要特點

獨特的先進綜合戰鬥信息中心 (AICIC) 是日本艦船的典型特征。它采用圓形房間的形式,牆壁上布滿了屏幕。這些屏幕使中心的船員能夠看到艦船周圍環境,並通過增強現實元素進行增強,例如在真實圖像上疊加目標或威脅標記。

最上級艦船長 436 英尺,甲板寬 52 英尺,總排水量超過 6,000 噸。護衛艦的速度可達 34.5 英裏/小時。他們的武器包括一門 5 英寸口徑火炮、八門 17 型反艦導彈發射器、魚雷發射器、SeaRAM 防空導彈發射器和一個 16 單元通用 Mk 41 VLS 發射器。


Japan's navy unveils sixth high-tech Mogami-class frigate

Story by ?MI

Under its pacifist constitution, Japan is modernizing its navy at an impressive pace, known as the Maritime Self-Defense Forces. In Nagasaki, the flag was raised on Agano, the sixth Mogami-class frigate. What are the characteristics of these ships?

On June 20, the sixth Mogami-class frigate was ceremoniously commissioned at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries shipyard in Nagasaki. The ship was named Agano after a river in Fukushima Prefecture.

Agano represents the Mogami class, also known as 30FF. The construction of a 12-unit series of these ships showcases Japan's industrial capabilities because, if the pace is maintained, the Japanese fleet will be reinforced with eight modern frigates within just six years (more are likely to be ordered soon).

Ships for a demographic crisis

The Mogami-class frigates exemplify not only modernity but also the challenges faced by the Japanese armed forces. Tokyo must maintain extensive armed forces due to pressure from China and the formally unresolved war with Russia (after World War II, only an armistice was signed instead of peace). A country struggling with demographic issues must design its weapons to require as little manpower as possible.

This also applies to the new frigates. While the Mogami-class ships displace over 6,000 tons and are heavily armed, their crew, thanks to automation, has been reduced to just 90 people.

Mogami-class frigates - key features

The unique Advanced Integrated Combat Information Center (AICIC) is a characteristic feature of Japanese ships. It takes the form of a circular room with walls covered in screens. These allow the center's crew to see the ship's surroundings enhanced with augmented reality elements, such as target or threat markers superimposed on the real image.

The Mogami-class ships are 436 feet long with a deck width of 52 feet and a total displacement reaching over 6,000 tons. The frigates can reach speeds of up to 34.5 mph. Their armament includes one 5-inch caliber gun, eight Type 17 anti-ship missile launchers, torpedo launchers, SeaRAM anti-aircraft missile launchers, and a 16-cell, universal Mk 41 VLS launcher.

Japan's navy unveils sixth high-tech Mogami-class frigate (msn.com)



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