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Free as a bird

The idiom means that you are free to go where you like when you like and do what you like.
- It's also a symbol of freedom and independence, whether it be political, social, or personal.
- It's also a metaphor for someone who is free-spirited who are true to themselves and live life on their own terms.
- It's also a spiritual concept: to represent the soul that is free from the constraints of the physical world, to transcend the limitations of the body and connect with something higher.

- Bible:  Psalms 124:7-8  "We've flown free from their fangs, free of their traps, free as a bird. Their grip is broken; we're free as a bird in flight."
- Originally, German word vogelfrei (=outlawed currently) merely meant "as free as a bird, not bound." That is the usage in a German source from 1455. Even Martin Luther (1483–1546) and Huldrych Zwingli (1484–1531) used the term still in its original meaning.

For me, freedom of thinking and speaking are the important things which I didn't have before I came to Canada.  Also I believe one has to forgo self (image, status, ego, .. etc) to really feel free and to be truly free.

This morning, I came across to the song of 生命光芒 "from 原創音樂劇《趙氏孤兒and felt moved.  So I 
quickly wrote a little "poem" based on the lyrics:

Life is open to everyone
Death is fair to everyone
Light wants to shine over everyone
Darkness likes to swallow up everyone
With muddy waters under the feet,
and injured wings
You fly up high to catch the cloud
for freedom and happiness
You stand on the sharp edge of the blade
gritting teeth but keep singing
You are, We are, 

the free birds.




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閱讀 ()評論 (12)
cowwoman 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享,這首披頭士的歌還是第一次聽。
最西邊的島上 回複 悄悄話 回複 '野性de思維' 的評論 :

哈哈, 不是因為堅持,是因為我多年生活和工作時的環境都是英文,所以習慣了,而且著急了的時候,英文來的更快;-) 我來文學城的最主要目的就是恢複中文。 謝謝來訪。
野性de思維 回複 悄悄話 多數的時間裏,俺用中文寫作。平時,隻是在必須必要時,才用英文寫東西,但甚少寫作。佩服像你這樣堅持用英文寫作的人,厲害。
最西邊的島上 回複 悄悄話 回複 '海風隨意吹' 的評論 : 嗯,是從無到有的珍惜和喜悅! 謝謝海風姐 (and see U soon ;-).
海風隨意吹 回複 悄悄話 西島充滿了自由的喜悅啊!
neshershahor 回複 悄悄話 回複 '最西邊的島上' 的評論 : FYI:

- The Three wise men who witnessed Christ's birth ==Persian/Iranian Zoroastrian Priests,

- John the Baptist who baptised Christ founded his own religion:


As a religion, Mandaeans are Still existing today:

最西邊的島上 回複 悄悄話 回複 'neshershahor' 的評論 : Thx 4 the history background and photo. Very educational, even 4 a pantheist ;-).
neshershahor 回複 悄悄話 回複 '最西邊的島上' 的評論 : Alexandrian Text至今沒有整理出來——這件事還得感謝穆斯林征服埃及把亞歷山大港圖書館燒的那把火,結果希臘文原本版的美被保存下來,隻有翻譯成科普特文的翻譯版存世——這個版本的聖經至今是埃及科普特正教會使用的版本。

而至今我沒找到一個英譯或其它語言翻譯版的(基於Alexandrian Text)的科普特教會的聖經——除非你會科普特文/古埃及文,否則根本沒法讀的懂(內容一致,但很多句子都完全與Byzantine Text不一樣)。
neshershahor 回複 悄悄話 回複 '最西邊的島上' 的評論 : 如果你不信教/也不想信教,但又用得上聖經的文字——我建議舊約直接用JPS英譯版的,新約用Byzantine Text英譯版的(這兩本書沒版權,Link在下麵)。
neshershahor 回複 悄悄話 回複 '最西邊的島上' 的評論 :






而(美國的)Evangelical用的King James Bible等的版本的聖經(舊約+新約),以及馬丁路德翻譯的聖經反而是基於拉丁語版的Textus Receptus:



希臘文的新約有兩個存世的:Byzantine Text,和Alexandrian Text——前幾年基於Byzantine Text的英譯版才問世:

最西邊的島上 回複 悄悄話 回複 'neshershahor' 的評論 : Sorry 4 my ignorance, but is Tanakh like the Old Testament? Thx!
neshershahor 回複 悄悄話 Psalms 124:7 - We are like a bird escaped from the fowler's trap; the trap broke and we escape.
Psalms 124:8 - Our help is the name of the LORD, maker of heaven and earth.

——JPS Tanakh's English translation