那位公務員態度特好,說按慣例右手的門牌號是應該從雙號開始,第二戶門牌號應該是4。聽了後我的頭開始變大,但還是壯著膽子小聲地問了一句:"Is there any possibility to change that?",沒想到公務員說因為小街還沒開發,所以門牌號還沒開始做,如果我有充分的理由,他也可以從單號開始。我馬上抓住了這根救命的稻草,和他講明華人不喜歡數字“4”,因為和“死”諧音。他聽了後大笑了起來,說,那好,就換成單號開始吧。
neshershahor2024-09-01 07:37:43回複悄悄話
回複 '最西邊的島上' 的評論 : LOL, that means: when you left that house - I was in Israel too (I enlisted in Sar-El programme, then Mahalnik) -
I will stop here, nope, can't & won't elaborate...not yet
Actually we spent about 9 years in that house before moving to current city. Yes, time flies, do feel another time/world for sure ;-).
Interesting story of U and Ur friend on the 2nd millennium day. Guess everyone was young once and U are still young ;-). May the adventures stay with each of us forever!!
neshershahor2024-09-01 07:19:06回複悄悄話
Between 1999.12.31 and 2000.01.01, I spent all my day in Old City Jerusalem with my one of my friend's and his parents (he's a "architect with no job" - Columbia Uni graduate 11 or 12)
See, caz his Mom's Persian-Mizrahi, so he & I managed to fool the temple mount's security guards and entered golden doom free of charge on 1st Jan 2000 (and scared the shit out of the Female Israeli Border Guards stationed at the entrance for hours)~~~
I will stop here, nope, can't & won't elaborate...not yet
Actually we spent about 9 years in that house before moving to current city. Yes, time flies, do feel another time/world for sure ;-).
Interesting story of U and Ur friend on the 2nd millennium day. Guess everyone was young once and U are still young ;-). May the adventures stay with each of us forever!!
See, caz his Mom's Persian-Mizrahi, so he & I managed to fool the temple mount's security guards and entered golden doom free of charge on 1st Jan 2000 (and scared the shit out of the Female Israeli Border Guards stationed at the entrance for hours)~~~