1. 鷓鴣天:詞牌名,又名“思佳客”、“思越人”等,雙調五十五字,上片四句三平韻,下片五句三平韻。
2. 彩袖:代指穿彩衣的歌女。
3. 鍾:通“盅”,酒杯。
4. 拚(pan4)卻:甘願,不惜。“卻”為語氣助詞,無實義。
5. 樓心:房與房之間圍成的空地,比如四合院中間的庭院。南方類似的結構稱“天井”。
6. 桃花扇:歌舞時用作道具的扇子,繪有桃花。
7. 同:相聚。.
8. 剩:通“盡(jin3)”,隻管。
9. 把:把持,握住。
10. 釭(gang1):燈
Zhegutian Theme: Color Sleeves Urge More Drinks
(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)
Hands in color sleeves eagerly urge more drinking.
In old days, you let yourself go to get drunk with me.
We danced till moon at mid-tower willow dropped.
Singing stopped when wind wafted by fan subsided.
Since we parted, I always remember our times together.
Several times I dreamed I was with you.
Tonight, I look carefully at you in silver light,
and I am afraid it could just be another dream.