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風中玫瑰 於 2004-09-08 06:39:31

pgz 於 2004-09-08 07:54:05
I do not really think Zhang is taking advantage of SongQing. He really feel guilty about Xiaoyue so that he could not feel any thing. For Song Qing, more than 10 years good time, love, and happy memory is not that easy to forget. It is not she can not be independent, she can not believe all the love can dispear so fast. All the loves acculmulated during life is used to overcome the bad time like this. But as Zhang hurt her more, the love credits will be used more, once the love bucket is empty, the relationship is gone. more than ten years relationship, so much thing got through together, can not be cut over night.
My two cents.

風中玫瑰 於 2004-09-08 08:00:19

pgz 於 2004-09-08 08:19:41
I guess we agree on the part Songqing should come back with Zhangcheng. I will do if my hubby insist to come back. It is her mistake she did not do it. Also it depends on circumstance, if Zhangcheng is only try out water, leave Songqing as backup in US, Zhangcheng is real bad to do what he did. Some years ago, I would think I could not tolerate any of my hubby’s mistake, now over so many years, there are so many ties, I do not really feel I can cut it over night. I guess it is complicated though, it is hard to imagine without being there, though I hope I will be never in that position.
I guess Xiaoyue keeps her self respect and dignity by leaving, at least it is consistent as her initial innocency, otherwise she would be a bitch, and I will really doubt if she plot the child, or did it innocently. Again, never done that, do not really know how that feels. Just a guess.

my 22 cents
MAZI 於 2004-09-08 10:07:47
I did meet the girls like Xiongyue in real life.to your surprise ,I just think they are kind of pathetic.
They do give people impression that they are very nice and care about others. But the thing is none can contribute in long run foreseeing no return ahead .their sacred sacrifice is all due to the self-pity and the extreme lack of confidence in themselves.
given the nature how they reason the things ,they are doomed to miss the goals they wanted to achieve . but once they have to confront the fact, they could become very bitter,resenting evertthing .
I dont give a shit for marrying 2milk ,but by all means ,it’s not wise to marry a 2milk with such personality.
to my knowlege ,the returnees like zhangcheng have very shakey position in china since they didnt bring much values to the company they work for except their smooth communication with westners,which is a skill can be caught up by local hirings very soon.without the ability to tap the oversea market ,they dont have the real competitive edge in the long run .but since they are low level management in US ,they barely have the network to do
that .
I dont give a shit to "bao 2milk", but zhangcheng is not up to par to do so .
he has to pay huge amount alimony to songqing if they get divorced, he would become pennyless and maybe jobless in the future.I dont think xiaoyue would have a baby with him after knowing this .

thanks for speaking out
pgz 於 2004-09-08 11:17:50
Agree. When you have a lot of age, it is pathetic to be innocent. They will ruin themselves, and possible others as well. But in this case, I can not blame Xiaoyue for ruining Songqing’s life, it is Zhangcheng and Songqing. Songqing gives Zhangchen the chance(but if they decide Songqing will stay back US just as back up, then it is purely ZhangCheng’s fault), and Zhangcheng seems will take this chance anyway, if it is not Xiaoyue, will be others. Xiaoyue would ruin herself any way just because of her innocency.

可不可以把欲擒故縱換個順序 用在這裏?
sanni 於 2004-09-08 12:12:16

風中玫瑰 於 2004-09-08 08:31:37
可是那個時候一切 都太晚了。

無名讀者 於 2004-09-08 08:20:35
對她自己是自欺欺人,對張成來講是心理安慰。 事到臨頭,是誰的痛自己添。宋晴與張成的分居是兩人對環境及個人發展意見不一致的結果,並不是宋晴一個人的責任,況且張成也並為整個家庭作出什麽讓步。並不是每個家庭隻要分居就得出問題, 尤其是暫時分居,人是要有一定的自製力的。

風中玫瑰 於 2004-09-08 08:36:50

無名讀者 於 2004-09-08 08:51:59
如果感情能說分就分, 那就沒有了這許多淒美故事。

紫水晶# 於 2004-09-08 08:45:39

見妮 於 2004-09-08 10:46:29
宋晴和張成的原本是個完整的家, 現在好比一麵鏡子有了裂縫, 雖難以彌補, 可要因此就把這麵鏡子給砸了, 不是那麽簡單。
曉月本來就生活在自己的想象中, 一直認為隻要宋晴不來, 張成不回去, 張成就是她的。 現在前提變了,宋晴來了, 她該知道在張成心中那邊沉哪邊重。

風中玫瑰 於 2004-09-08 10:53:22

嗬嗬, 說實在話, 我見過的女甩男的居多
見妮 於 2004-09-08 11:02:41
碰上過一個第3者的, 她自己也有家。 一對出牆的男女一起回了趟國, 女的嫌男的出手小氣, 跟他拜拜了。 我的這個朋友, 出牆男人的太太還沒來得及找律師, 她老公就痛哭流涕的回頭了。她老公是開診所的醫生, 一下子買了上百萬的人壽險給太太和孩子。
這死打爛纏無論如何也用不道宋晴身上, 何況往下還不知道誰纏誰那。

who is 死纏爛打
MAZI 於 2004-09-08 11:17:36
xiaoyue or songqing? give me a break !
knowing zhangcheng is a married man ,xiaoyue still gave birth to their baby reinforcing the tie between them. you dont see the 死纏爛打 in her but give the credits to songqing.Is it all because she has a legitimate relationship with zhangcheng and is giving a shot to save the marriage?
you must be insane.
physically,zhangcheng may like xiaoyue more right now .but who can ganrantee that he would stop at that point and not fall in love with another "xiaoyue" in the future? assuming his next affair is not so troublesome?
he relies on songqing spritually and financially.although for song,it’s the samething ,betray. and it’s not worth to brag about.
i think she would weigh the things altogether and make a decision.

MAZI 於 2004-09-08 10:23:23
what could xiaoyue do after break up with zhangcheng?
asking zhengcheng to get divorce for her? marrying her?she knew zhangcheng hates trouble . besides, it conlicts her innocent image she tried to keep all the time. so the only thing she can do to push thing forward is to concede in the first place .
putting their daughter at stake ,she is sure undecicive playboy zhangcheng cant just walk away with all the guilty .
I dont think songqing is independent.she is still zhangcheng’s legitimate wife back then .She was entitled to do everything she thought right to save her rocky marriage. If she suceeds,good for her ,if not ,she could ask for divorce .
It’s nothing to do with dependency.

無名讀者 於 2004-09-08 08:57:20
同意。但事後的痛絕不是曉月當初可以預見的, 或者說當初的灑脫是盲目的。

迷惘的我 於 2004-09-08 07:26:28
林,那天,知道你們不在,特地繞道去看了看你的家。坐在車裏,默默地點了一隻煙,想像著裏麵你和家人的快樂。看的出來,你很愛這個家。從家門口到後院,真的是很漂亮。忽然明白了為什麽你從不給我任何承諾的原因。是啊,誰願意拋棄這麽舒適溫馨的家,為了一個毫不相幹的女子?從開始到現在,你不過是在遊戲,給平淡的生活添加一點調料而已。 我真傻,傻到忘了自己。為了你,我千裏迢迢來到這裏,沒有了工作,沒有了快樂,天天想的隻是見到你,為了你的一個擁抱,一個吻。而你,卻沒有給我一句承諾。如果你並不愛我,為什麽要重新開始這一切?為什麽不讓我離你遠遠的?算了吧,放了吧,還有什麽舍不得的。你不屬於我,過去不,現在不,將”也不。我不能說你是個壞男人,”你絕不是一個君子。 我真希望我能有這個勇氣,走到你的麵前,對你說,我們結束吧。

紫水晶# 於 2004-09-08 07:35:50

無名讀者 於 2004-09-08 07:45:58
跨出一步是另一片天空, 隻是需要足夠的勇氣去克服那一份原本就不可依賴的感情, 祝你好運!

丁丁J 於 2004-09-08 09:40:25

whisper 於 2004-09-08 13:33:36

Thanks so much
bluewoman 於 2004-09-08 07:12:37
I enjoy reading your articles. Give me a lot of pleasure.

北京胡同串子 於 2004-09-08 09:43:26
寫的真好,不光好看,還令人深思。謝謝! 唉,真是時代的悲劇!

無名音樂 於 2004-09-08 11:37:39

手有餘香 於 2004-09-08 17:48:19
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