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這個寫作遊戲適合家裏有多個娃,年齡差不多。幾個娃一起重寫同一個故事。Retelling the story using your own words. 這個遊戲適合初學寫作的小學娃。



這個寫作遊戲適合多娃家庭,幾個娃同時寫一個故事。遊戲是這樣,先在網上找一篇短小的故事,可以是寓言或童話,一開始故事不要太長,最多一百字。然後和娃一起寫一份提綱outline,五六個詞語,概括故事的開頭,中間和結尾。然後把故事原文藏起來不能再看。隻給娃出示提綱outline, 遊戲規則就是要完全用自己的話重新寫這個故事。不需要改變故事情節,但講故事的詞語和句式要用你們自己的。

對小娃說,你們寫的句子必須有vivid details, 你們的用詞和句子盡量 be creative。娃們寫幾個故事之後,提高一點難度,要每個娃在故事中添加至少一個或兩個自己新創的情節,可以是人物動作,表情,對話,心理活動,場景描述。還可以比較誰創造的情節更加貼合原故事並有趣。







這是家裏大娃前幾天寫的,他從之前的學校作文三句話,就做這個遊戲進步寫到了五段。 故事原文是網上找的。大娃重寫這個故事。
The Ant and the grasshopper
retold by -------

In a grassy meadow one summer's day, a grasshopper was bounding from place to place, chirping and singing to his heart's satisfaction.

An ant came across, dragging a kernel of corn to his den. The grain was so enormous that the ant was pushing and pulling very hard.

"Why not take a rest and have a chat with me?"
" I am stacking up my food for the winter " said the ant " and I advise you do it as well. "

" Why worry about winter ?" The grasshopper turned up his nose " You haven't any sense at all. We do have a large amount of food in the pasture. "

The ant kept his tail. Having seen the ant not following his words, the grasshopper turned back to the ant as if the ant was not worth noticing.
When the snow froze the pasture, the grasshopper found himself dying because of starvation.

Meanwhile the ant's family were sharing the harvest of their hard work. Then the grasshopper knew that the one who did not prepare for the days of necessity is the one who has no sense.

In a pasture one summer's day, a grasshopper was leaping around, chirping and singing his most cheerful song. " Summer is a perfect time to play " said the grasshopper pleasantly.

An ant walked by, carrying one piece of corn to his burrow with great effort. The grasshopper gave the ant a quick glance.
" How do you do!" He greeted the ant " It is a fine day, isn't it ? Why do you care to work in the field instead of chatting with me?"

"I am busy collecting corn for the winter" The toil made the ant out of breath but he managed to talk, "For your sake, I think you'd better stock as much food as I do"
The ant's suggestion did not seem to please the grasshopper, he sniffed at the ant disdainfully, " I don't understand why you should bother about the winter. The meadow has a lot of food for us all, eat whenever you like. You don't have to toil and moil in this way. " The grasshopper hurried away impatiently as if it was not worth noting the ant's response. He sang his merrist song again.
Winter finally came. It became bitterly cold. The rain and sleet beated down on the ground. The grasshopper searched from place to place but still failed to find one piece of grain to eat.
The rain froze upon him, covering him with a coating of ice. The grasshopper was trembling because of hunger. The only comforting thought that entered his head was that on so stormy a night the ant would be eating food in their snug den. They would not go out in such weather. The grasshopper realised that he was nearly going to die. He groaned:" It is best to prepare for the days of necessity."

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