首先,準備油皮,油心和餡料 (做12個小餅的量)
1. 製作油皮:取165克麵粉, 45克植物油,先攪拌均勻,再加溫水和好成團,放入盤中,鋪上保鮮膜,擱置一旁醒發;
2. 製作油心:135克麵粉,60克植物油,和好成團,同樣放入盤中,鋪上保鮮膜,擱置一旁醒發;
3. 調製餡料 (芝麻餡料):黃油在小鍋裏熱化,加麵粉調和,熄火加芝麻(喜甜的可加糖), 混合。放小碗裏,稍涼後蓋上保鮮膜,放進冰箱裏凝固。如果用芝士餡,就隻需要準備芝士碎(我用的袋裝的Cheddar Cheese,所以就隻簡單的把那些條條捏碎一下)
1. 將醒發了一段時間的油皮輕揉至表麵光滑,分成12份小麵團,各自輕揉成小圓團形狀,放置案板一角,用保鮮膜蓋住,以免發幹;
2. 將醒發了一段時間的油心分成12小份,在掌心揉成小球狀,放置案板一角,用保鮮膜蓋住,以免發幹
3. 取一個油皮圓團,像擀餃子皮那樣,摁扁,擀成圓皮;然後取出一個油心小球包入其中,像包包子那樣把油心包好,再摁扁,上下擀成長條狀,然後從下至上卷起如卷餅(此處目的,卷層越多餅層越多),擱置一旁,蓋上保鮮膜,以免發幹。
4. 小卷做好後,取出冰箱裏的餡料,準備包餡兒。先重複第三步:把小卷壓扁,上下擀成細長條,再卷起,成卷餅狀;然後捏住小卷兩端,連接到一起,壓扁,再擀成餃子皮形狀;放入餡料,像包包子那樣包好,輕輕摁扁成小餅狀……一個餅完工。
First,make the oil dough, oil filling and sesame/cheese filling:
1. to make the oil dough: 165 grams of flour and 45 grams of vegetable oil, mix them well; add warm water to form a dough. Place the dough in a dish, cover it with plastic wrap, and set it aside to rest.
2. to make the oil filling: Mix 135 grams of flour with 60 grams of vegetable oil to form a dough. Place the dough in a dish, cover it with plastic wrap, and set it aside to rest.
3. to prepare the filling: Melt butter in a small pot, add flour and stir until combined. Turn off the heat and add sesame seeds (add sugar if prefer sweet), mix well. Place the mixture in a small bowl, cover it with plastic wrap after it cools slightly, and put it in the refrigerator to solidify.
If you're using a cheese filling, just prepare shredded cheese (I used pre-packaged Cheddar Cheese strips, so I simply broke them into smaller pieces).
Second, make the cookies:
1. Gently knead the rested oil dough until the surface is smooth. Divide it into 12 small portions, shape each into a small round ball, and place them in a corner of the work surface. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out.
2. Divide the rested oil filling into 12 small portions. Roll each portion into a small ball using your palm and place them in a corner of the work surface. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out.
3. Take a piece of oil dough and flatten it out with your hands, then roll it into a round disc, similar to rolling dumpling wrappers;
This completes one cookie.
Third, for the final step, bake the cookies at 160°C (320°F) for 30 minutes.