

(2025-01-02 13:18:08) 下一個


昨天,開年不吉, 2025年元旦淩晨,美國新奧爾良市發生了伊斯蘭極端主義者駕車衝進歡慶新年的人群,造成十五人死亡數十人受傷的惡性事件。



那時我們都在這個美麗的第二故鄉生活了五年以上。我們都認為, 911太可怕了, 太邪魔了!盡管從道義上講,這種不擇手段的瘋狂出擊,應該人人口誅筆伐,但是,不得不承認,這個精心設計並且實施的手段實在是人類爭戰史的神來之筆,把第二次世界大戰中大日本帝國的神風特攻隊遠遠拋在了幾條街之外。看似不擇手段的瘋狂,實際是十分講究手段的冷冰冰的魔鬼高招。


本地的國際機場,去年終於完成大動筋骨的改革換代。原機場上世紀70年的設計理念,寬體大飛機Jumbo plane, 停靠在枝形展開的廊橋,下飛機極短的距離就到達停車場。落後於時代的主要原因是911後安檢的重大不同。

回到24年前那場對話的後半段。老爸搖頭歎息,(那樣改進安檢)沒用的沒用的。事倍功半,浪費資源。恐怖組織隻要能找出幾個不要命的瘋子,辦法有得是, 比如開車去撞麥當勞,你沒個防。

老爸倒提出一個有些腦洞大開的建議,機場安檢不用加強,隻要把飛機上駕駛倉的門焊死了就好。另外給飛行員從外麵加開個上下飛機的門。他們有自己吃喝的來源和廁所。這樣就阻擋切斷了恐怖分子把飛機變成炸彈的可能性。頂多就是全機的人同歸於盡, 因為混上飛機的壞蛋炸掉飛機。









Another terrorist attack

Unfortunately, one of my father's predictions after 9/11 came true. His unique solution is still ringing in my ears eight years after his death.

Yesterday, the beginning of the year was not auspicious. In the early morning of New Year's Day 2025, an Islamic extremist drove a car into a crowd celebrating the New Year in New Orleans, killing 15 people and injuring dozens of people.

On the same day, a truck explosion occurred in Las Vegas.

This reminds me of a conversation my father had with me when the dust of 9/11 had not yet settled.

At that time, we had lived in this beautiful second home for more than five years. We all thought that 9/11 was too terrible and too evil! Although from a moral point of view, this crazy attack that did not hesitate to use any means should be condemned by everyone, but we have to admit that this carefully designed and implemented method is really a stroke of genius in the history of human warfare, leaving the Kamikaze Special Attack Force of the Empire of Japan in World War II far behind. It seems like a madness that uses any means, but it is actually a cold and devilish trick that is very particular about the means.

Soon, airport security checks were greatly strengthened all over the world. Since then, air travel has become a way that we are all familiar with and accustomed to today. Not only has the operating cost increased, but the time cost has also increased. Today, it has become a numb reality that we have to accept even if we don't want to.

Our local international airport finally completed a major renovation and upgrade last year. The original airport's design concept was from the 1970s. Jumbo planes parked on the spread-out terminals, and the parking lot was a very short walking distance after getting off the plane. The main reason for this kind of airports is no longer practical the times is the significant difference in security checkin process adopted after 9/11 attack.

Back to the second half of the conversation 24 years ago. Dad shook his head and sighed, (improving security checks like that) is useless. It's a waste of resources. As long as the terrorist organization can find a few crazy people who don't care about their lives, and the life of innocent people, there are many ways, such as driving a car to into a McDonald's, and you have no defense.

My dad made a rather creative suggestion. Airport security does not need to be strengthened. Just weld the cockpit door on the plane. In addition, open a door for pilots to get on and off the plane from the outside. They have their own food and drink sources and toilets. This will block the possibility of terrorists turning the plane into a bomb. At most, all the people on the plane will die together because the bad guys who sneaked on the plane blew up the plane.

From media reports, police investigation, to sociaty generl thinking about how to prevent and resolve such tragedies, there are usually these angles and characteristics.

Suspects of criminals



Methods of prevention

People who want to commit suicide often want to become famous in the world. Motives are the purpose that is not concealed. After the incident, the process and means are also revealed to the public.

Only the last one, how to prevent it, has not been answered perfectly even after a quarter of a century. How can we not sigh!

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