


(2024-09-16 07:58:11) 下一個


- 汽車 - Car (a road vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine or electric motor)
- 車輛 - Vehicle (a means of transportation, such as a car, truck, or bus)
- 發動機 - Engine (the part of a vehicle that provides power)
- 刹車 - Brake (a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle)
- 齒輪 - Gear (a toothed wheel that transmits power in a vehicle)
- 輪胎 - Tire (a rubber ring surrounding a wheel)
- 車輪 - Wheel (a circular object that rotates to support a vehicle)


- 道路 - Road (a path for vehicles to travel on)
- 公路 - Highway (a main road for high-speed travel)
- 交通 - Traffic (the movement of vehicles and people on roads)
- 車道 - Lane (a marked path for vehicles to travel in)
- 速度限製 - Speed limit (the maximum allowed speed on a road)
- 停止標誌 - Stop sign (a sign indicating where vehicles must stop)
- 交通信號燈 - Traffic light (a device controlling the flow of traffic)
- 人行橫道 - Pedestrian crossing (a marked area for pedestrians to cross)
- 環形交叉口 - Roundabout (a circular intersection where traffic flows continuously)
- 十字路口 - Intersection (a point where two or more roads meet)


- 駕駛 - Drive (to operate a vehicle)
- 司機 - Driver (a person operating a vehicle)
- 駕駛執照 - License (official permission to drive a vehicle)
- 車輛注冊 - Registration (official recording of a vehicle\'s details)
- 保險 - Insurance (financial protection against accidents or damage)
- 停車 - Parking (leaving a vehicle in a stationary position)
- 燃料 - Fuel (a substance providing energy for a vehicle)
- 裏程 - Mileage (the distance traveled by a vehicle)


- 標誌 - Sign (a notice or symbol providing information)
- 信號 - Signal (a device indicating when to stop or go)
- 標記 - Marking (a line or symbol on a road surface)
- 箭頭 - Arrow (a symbol indicating direction)
- 警告標誌 - Warning sign (a sign alerting drivers to potential hazards)
- 指示標誌 - Guide sign (a sign providing information or directions)
- 規則標誌 - Regulatory sign (a sign indicating rules or restrictions)


- 事故 - Accident (an unexpected event causing damage or injury)
- 碰撞 - Crash (a violent impact between vehicles or objects)
- 撞擊 - Collision (a crash or impact between vehicles or objects)
- 受傷 - Injury (harm or damage to a person or vehicle)
- 死亡 - Fatality (death resulting from an accident)
- 損害 - Damage (harm or destruction to a vehicle or property)
- 索賠 - Claim (a request for compensation or payment)
- 報告 - Report (an official document detailing an accident or incident)
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