

(2019-07-25 04:40:59) 下一個

How to fix MB mirrors not folding automatically 


This Monday afternoon, it suddenly started pouring while I was driving home.  The rain was so heavy that I could barely see the front. For the first time I had to pull off the road and find a parking lot to stop for a few minutes.


Just for a little while, the flooding roads and cars stopping in the middle were in front of me.  I had to find alternative routes to be back home. Still I had to pass over the water if I didn’t want to wait overnight until the roads recovered.  I could hear my heart beat racing and prayed I would be safe and sound when driving on the water.  After driving through the water, I felt so exuberant and relieved that my MB passed the unexpected test.  A typical 35 min driving home took me about 1.5 hours due to this severe storm, but so glad to be safe.


The next morning after I drove to work and tried to lock the door, what? something went wrong!  The mirrors couldn’t fold automatically.  Oh my god, did driving on the water last night ruin my car?  Should I call dealer to find out what was the problem?  But wait, I am that kind of person who likes to solve problems by myself first.  So once I got to my office, I started searching how to fix MB auto folding mirrors not working.  Ha, found the solution:

1. go into menu and turn auto fold off.

2. exit menu

3. turn car off, go out and lock car

4. open car and restart 

4. go to menu and turn auto fold on

5. exit menu

6. turn car off

7. lock car from outside of car


Then I went back to my car and followed the above procedures.  It worked!!  Yeah, problem solved!  

I felt so happy and so proud of myself.


MB - Mercedes Benz 

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JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 'xiaoxitian' 的評論 :

你說的是. 在我對車一竅不通, 能自己解決問題, 是在積累經驗.
xiaoxitian 回複 悄悄話 萬事開頭難,現在你so proud of yourself,就是增長了信心,再遇上什麽事情,你就會自己去處理了,經驗是越積累越多。