

(2019-07-18 04:13:09) 下一個

How to end racism 

- by JessAB

Just read an interesting article about the far-left dems’ obsession with race. It seems that they like to call anyone who disagrees with them racist. So ridiculous.  

Does anyone want to end racism? One way to do that is to “stop talking about it” according to the famous black actor, Morgan Freeman.  The followings are the remarks in an interview with Mike Wallace of CBS’ 60 MINUTES:


MIKE WALLACE: Black History Month, you find?



FREEMAN: You`re going to relegate my history to a month?

WALLACE: oh, Come on.

FREEMAN: What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month? Come on, tell me.

WALLACE: I'm Jewish.

FREEMAN: OK. Which month is Jewish History Month?

WALLACE: There isn`t one.

FREEMAN: Why not? Do you want one?

WALLACE: No, no.

FREEMAN: I don`t either. I don`t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.

WALLACE: How are we going to get rid of racism until...?

FREEMAN: Stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you a white man. And I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You`re not going to say, "Well, I know this white guy named Mike Wallace.  You know what I'm saying?”

Wallace:  Mm-hmm.

Freeman: Jewish guy. I have a lot of – some of my best friends are Jewish. Okay?


In an another interview with Don Lemon on CNN, when asked by Lemon whether race is a factor in wealth distribution in the United States, Freman said, “Today? No. You and I. We’re proof.”

“Why would race have anything to do with it?” said Freeman. “Put your mind to what you want to do and go for that. It’s kind of like religion to me. It’s a good excuse for not getting there.”


I totally agree with Freeman that these days more and more people are using race as an excuse for their own problems.



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大叔一枚 回複 悄悄話 讚林外芭蕉的回貼
BeagleDog 回複 悄悄話 完全讚同Freeman的觀點。隻有“那些失敗者,自卑者”,才拿膚色說事。我一直都覺得,隻有時間,和淡忘,才能緩解種族分裂。過去總說,真理不辯不明。可是種族之間,真的不是越辯越明。越是爭論,就越撕裂。我是從文革打派仗,體會到,有些非常尖銳的矛盾,是不能用擺事實講道理來解決的。隻有淡忘。“Stop taking it”。
xiaoxitian 回複 悄悄話 回複 'JessAB' 的評論 : +100.“squad”如果不打種族牌,還有誰關注她們。在民主黨內squad和Pelosi爭搶權力,說Pelosi 是白人之上。看誰擋了她們的道誰就是種族歧視,種族主義。如果這些政客掌權,美國真是要潰敗了。
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 'beaglegirl' 的評論 :


看看以下那極左’squad’ Ayanna Pressley的發言才是骨子裏赤裸裸的的racist:
Ayanna Pressley saying, “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice.”
lhy86 回複 悄悄話 在夢裏可以消除,要不試一試。
beaglegirl 回複 悄悄話 就是這麽回事。弱化種族,強化法律,價值,貢獻,才是真正的平等。
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 'bl' 的評論 :

到底什麽是種族歧視呢? 一般是指被不公平對待僅僅因為膚色, 族裔. 若是因為自身的行為能力問題, 被人區別對待, 不應該屬於被種族歧視.
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 '無法弄' 的評論 :

可以理解每個人的處境和經曆不一樣, 對”種族歧視”的感受也可能不同. 謝謝分享.
bl 回複 悄悄話 差別存在一天,歧視就存在一天,包括這個世界的一切。
無法弄 回複 悄悄話 很難的,我還說不清。我兒子一直在英國學校,結果發現他們學校的孩子洋人喜歡和洋人做朋友,亞洲人和亞洲人結伴,混血和混血是朋友,洋孩子不喜歡和亞洲人做朋友。我兒子是歐亞混血,他說他們學校的洋孩子有種族歧視。這個在低年級老師是管的,到了高年級,孩子心裏明白了,改變不了,老師也不再參與了。我覺得這裏麵挺複雜的,沒那麽容易解決,很多是文化問題。洋孩子長大了,把這種經曆給下一代,這種情愫就這麽傳下去了。我對我兒子說:你隻有自己在各個方麵傑出,讓他們無法歧視你。說起來容易,做起來難啊。
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 '林外芭蕉' 的評論 :

Thank you for your comments. I think right now the dems are not only inciting the race war but also the class war. It is the Republican party/Trump who promote race and color blindness, and want people of different backgrounds to be fully inclusive.

Quotes from Steve Bannon: “Nationalism, then, is the mechanism through which Judeo-Christian traditions and values become part of society. That’s because nationalism is fully inclusive, in the sense that it invites people of different backgrounds to unite under a common “American” sense of self. It dissolves minority identities—leading to the emphasis on “colorblindness” of “all lives matter” and opposition to affirmative action.”
林外芭蕉 回複 悄悄話 Freeman can say that. We can't, 'cause we ain't black.

美國是不可能、也不會去消除種族話題的,為什麽呢?What else can replace it? 階級論是不能碰的,因為那更危險,更會觸動上層階級的利益。打種族牌更安全一些,因為各個階層、各個階級都包括。把社會問題引向種族主義,可以模糊貧富差距的根本原因,又可以避免潛在的共產主義革命的影響。所以種族主義是最安全的,各位就別和統治階級一起攪合了。
小三兒她姐 回複 悄悄話 SwissArmy +1
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 '華府采菊人' 的評論 :

你說的是有那麽回事. 有什麽具體的例子嗎?
華府采菊人 回複 悄悄話 有些事是可說不可做的, 而另外有些事則反過來是可做不可說的。
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 'SwissArmy' 的評論 :

是啊, 社會之複雜, 什麽樣的人都有. 所能做的是為自身和美國利益以及美囯有好的未來去作努力.
SwissArmy 回複 悄悄話 很不幸地,我認為這是人性的一部分,可預見的未來中無法消除;而且人性中另一個部分是,總有人會為自己的失敗找借口,而找借口怪罪別人,比自己努力奮鬥要容易的多。