拙著《Cancer Inhibitors from Chinese Natural Medicines》自2016年底出版第一版已經6年半了。 疫情的兩年中,常常翻閱舊作,發現了一些謬誤需要勘正。
以下是一份訂正清單,誠請曾購此書的朋友予以注明糾正。雖都是一些小地方,但還是有必要的。 另外告知大家,CRC出版社已經推出這本拙著的平裝本,書價大幅降低至60美元左右,而不是精裝版原價的379美元。 歡迎有興趣者購置作參考書。
《Cancer Inhibitors from Chinese Natural Medicines》 (1st edition)
K30263 ISBN: 978-1-4987-8764-2
A List for the Book errors correction
Page 77, Right column, 3rd line from top. Correct to “….62.47% with low influence on the …..”
Page 89, Left column, 6th line from top. Correct “(10)” to “(13)”.
Page 89, Left column, 4th paragraph, 2nd line. Correct “uterine” to “uridine”.
Page 95, Right column, 2nd paragraph, 4th line. Correct “NCI-H460 (colon)” to “NCI-H460 (lung)”.
Page 95, Right column, 4th paragraph, 2nd line. Correct “in vitro and in vitro” to “in vitro and in vivo”.
Page 124, Left column, 2nd paragraph, 4th line. Correct “α-tert-butane-” to “α-tert-butyl-”.
Page 139, Right column, 3rd paragraph, 5th line. Correct “primate MDA-MB-231” to “primary MDA-MB-231”.
Page 147, Left column, in Biflavonoids paragraph, 8th, 11th, 15th, 20th lines. Correct to “amentoflavone (5)”.
Page 158, Left column, 6th line from bottom. Correct “could enhance” to “could inhibit”.
Page 165, Left column, in bottom line. Correct “Catalposide (12)” to “Catalposide (4)”.
Page 171, Left column, 1st paragraph, 3rd line. Correct “flavenochromane-C (15)” to “kuraridin (20)”.
Page 171, Left column, 1st paragraph, 6th line. Correct “… of matrine (23)” to “….. of kuraridine (20)”.
Page 171, Left column, head of 3rd paragraph. Correct “Marein” to “Matrine”.
Page 172, Left column, 2nd line from bottom of Lectin section. Correct “s-3 and caspase-9” to “caspase-3 and caspase-9”.
Page 207, Left column, 6th line from bottom. Correct “EDSHB” to “EDAHB”.
Page 214, Left column, in bottom line. Correct “celastrol (4)” to “celastrol (3)”.
Page 219, Left column, 2nd line from top. Correct “The tumorigenicity of……” to “The tumoricidal activity on …...”.
Page 299, Left column, 3rd paragraph, 3rd line. Correct “2,5-dihydroxy-…….” to “3,5-dihydroxy-………”.
Page 299, Left column, 3rd paragraph, 6th line. Correct “2,5-dihydroxy……..” to “5,8-dihydroxy…….”.
Page 325, Left column, 2nd paragraph, 10th line from bottom. Correct “increasing serum lactate dehydrogenase” to “decreasing serum lactate dehydrogenase”.
Page 325, Left column, 2nd paragraph, 9th line from bottom. Correct “decreased plasma antioxidant activity” to “increasing plasma antioxidant activity”.
Page 425, In right column, 5th line from bottom. Correct “another polyacetylene ……” to “another secondary aglucone ……..”.
Page 425, In right column, move the 5 lines from the bottom {Panaxatrol, another secondary aglucone ……. for further phase II trial.48} up to link with the end of 2nd paragraph.
Page 434, Left column, in the bottom line. Correct “reduced” to “augmented”.
Page 434, Right column, in the 1st line of top. Correct “augmented” to “reduced”.
Page 469, Right column, 3rd paragraph, 1st line. Add “anti-” before “inflammatory……”.
Page 483, Left column, last paragraph, 1st line. Add “anti-” before “neoplastic ……”.
Page 488, Left column, 3rd paragraph. Change paragraph title of “Protein” to “Glycoprotein”. And Correct “A protein called arabinogalactan………” to “A highly glycosylated protein called arabinogalactan protein …...”.
Page 503, Right column, 3rd paragraph, 4th and 5th lines. Correct “Laicochalcone-A (7) and laicochalcone-E (8) …..” to “Licochalcone-A (7) and licochalcone-E (8) …..”.
Page 532, Left column, 2nd line. Correct “PQ (4, 3R,9R,10R),” to “PQ (3R,9R,10R),”.
Page 534, Right column, 2nd paragraph, 3rd line. Correct “gosypetin-7-O-…..” to “gossypetin-7-O-……”.
Page 556, Left column, in the bottom line. Correct “HP-29” to “HT-29”.
Page 556, Right column, 1st line. Correct “HrLa” to “HeLa”.
Page 556, Right column, 2nd paragraph, 5th Line. Correct “hypoglacaemic,” to “hypoglycaemic,”.
Page 604, Left column, 3rd paragraph. Remove all “(4), (3), (2), (1)” in this paragraph.
Page 678, Right column, 2nd line from bottom. Correct “antiinfertility” to “antifertility”.
Page 680, Right column. Remove “(3)” in 10th line and remove “(10)” in 11th line.
Page 686, Left column, 3rd line from bottom. Correct “β-carborine” to “α-carboline”.
Page 713, Right column. Correct “(KLR, 2)” to “(KLR)” in the 3rd line; remove “(3)” in the 6th line and remove “(4)” in the 12th line; and Correct “QLR (3)” to “KLR”.